2016 Annual Town Election Results, Congratulations Mrs. Bettina Schmidt!

A total of 311 voters made the annual trip to the Holland Community Center to exercise their constitutional right to participate in forming the government of their community. (Last year the count was 465.)
The annual town election took place at the Community Center for the second time, read more»

Posted on 13 Jun 2016, 22:53 - Category: Town Politics
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2016 Annual Town Election Results

I was going to publish the results here as usual...
Sharon Ashley, our town clerk, refused to give me a print-out and added, The results will be published on the town's website.
How about those people who do not have a computer? It seems to me that they don't want you, the reader of the Holland Blog to have it first. I tried, sorry! Ask your self the question, how much of an effort would it be to tape a print-out of the results at the door to the town hall as they always did?
So much I heard from an informed source, Bill Hardy will keep the job he had for years, moderator (thank god! Steven Anderstrom did not get his way.) Harhey did not make it either (he lost by two votes!) Bettina Schmidt is our new member of the Board of Selectmen, congratulations! Scotty defeated Richard Polverari.
Peter Frei

Posted on 13 Jun 2016, 20:59 - Category: Town Politics
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Say Yes to Public Health Protection and NO to RECALL.

At the time I prepared my campaign signs in June of 2014, I had no idea that serving the community with integrity would lead to me being recalled based on lies by a small group of corrupt disgruntled town officials, read more»

Posted on 4 Aug 2015, 21:37 - Category: Town Politics
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Speak out Holland! (no.34)

speak-out-speak-up speak-out-speak-up
There is a lot going on in our community, do you feel like sharing any with the readers of the Holland Blog?
Do you have any questions or suggestions? Comment about anything that is amusing you or about anything that is bothering you, but do it in a civilized manner! I will delete obvious lies and offensive comments. To read previous comments under this category, click on “Speak Out Holland” on the left of this blog under the heading “Categories.”

Peter Frei

Posted on 6 Jul 2015, 08:35 - Category: Speak Out Holland
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LAKE NEWS Important

1. Pancake Breakfast - Sunday June 14 - this Sunday from 8 am 11 am at Holland Community Center, come and support the Lake Preservation Fund and socialize with your friends around Town. Tell your neighbors, bring your family and friends. Call Janice Brigham for advance tickets ... 413 626 5216

2. MILFOIL TREATMENT on MA part of lake ... Wed June 17th ... PLEASE stay off the lake on the day and night of the treatment, by doing this the treatment will be more effective. This year we will be treating the little pond on South Basin off Forest Dr./Mashpaug. Thank you for extra donations that will fund this extra treatment. Notices will be posted around town. DO NOT USE THE WATER FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES until date noted:
Drinking & Cooking 6/21, boating. fishing & swimming 6/18, watering of livestock 6/18 and irrigation 6/23/15
Connecticut will be treated at a future date and will let you know in advance. Thanks for your cooperation ... please stay off the lake for the day/night of treatment.

3. Save the Date: July 13 for the Public House Buffet .. Call Bev 413 221 3156 for tickets ... this is a great fund raiser for Lake Preservation and the food is great too.
Christine McCooe, (cell 508 361 3216)

Posted on 13 Jun 2015, 11:18 - Category: The Town Common
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2015 Annual Town Election Results, Congratulations Mr. Gillen!

A total of 465 voters made the annual trip to the Holland Community Center to exercise their constitutional right to participate in forming the government of their community. (Last year the count was 437.)
The annual town election took place at the Community Center for the first time, read more»

Posted on 8 Jun 2015, 21:59 - Category: Town Politics
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Town elections this comming Monday, June 8

Please make the time to vote, for the first time the elections will take place at the Community Center by the cemetery.
It is important that those who don't really care get out there because the selfserving individuals who profit from corruption for sure will make the effort.
A special message to Kristin LaPlante; your notion that informatative election fliers based on facts are hate mail is missconceived and shows an utter disrespect of the democratic process on your part. This is the reason why you and those close to you are a danger in any position you are holding in our community.
We go back a long time; not many remember town clerk Robert Ford which you replaced in 2004. I remember Kristin Grant, your maiden name, as an innocent single women with a strong need to belong. You do belong now and there is not much we still have in common.
As always, I make up my own mind about a newcomer. Sharon Ashleigh was a newcomer. However, lately I was forced to realize that she already belongs too... she belongs to the point where she is unable to do her job. If the town clerk refuses to comply with Public Information Requests and witholds the information for more than 40 days when the law mandates her to comply with such a request within 10 days, she becomes a danger to our community as well. The information I requested will be useless by then.. The right to file Public Information Requests is one of the strong pillars a free society is based on. Public Information Requests are enabeling and ensuring public involvement and participation by providing a mechanism for holding governmental actors accountable for their decisions and actions.
Kristin, you obviously are a strong leader and mentor and had a chance to intorduce Sharon into the many responsibilities a town clerk has. Unfortunatelly that strong lead was pointing in the wrong direction!
Experience in the hands of a person with a strong moral compass is a good thing; in the wrong hands, it will spell disaster (unnecessary costly lawsuits.) Sharon Ashleigh seems to have that experience already (pushing the limits to see with what she can get away with, and in this town it seems to be endless), at least that is what she is claiming on her campaign signs.

Posted on 6 Jun 2015, 13:45 - Category: Town Politics
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Please attend the Annual Town Meeting next Tuesday, May 26, at 7:00 pm at the Holland Elementary School

It is a good idea to read the warrant before hand. For your convenience, I have it posted here. To read the warrant, click here!

Posted on 21 May 2015, 16:57 - Category: Town Politics
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ALL RESIDENTS, Lets be part of this Community

First time ever, there will be a Holland Town Forum - Saturday May 2nd, 2015.- Complimentary Coffee and Donuts 9 am to 12 pm, at the Holland Elementary School Gymnasium. Sponsored by Government Study Committee. ALL RESIDENTS - OUR TOWN NEEDS US! Opening the lines of communication with our Town Hall regarding; May 5, 2015, Public Hearing - regarding the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget (to be voted on by registered voters during the annual town meeting) at 7:30 in the Community Room at the Town Hall. ALL RESIDENTS - let's be a part of it. Our Town needs us.We will see, discuss and ask questions regarding the Fiscal 16 Budget to be voted on (by us) May 26 at the Annual Town Meeting. The Proposed budget in progress (not due until the Public Hearing) is available now for your review from the Executive Secretary to the Holland Select Board- 413-245-7108 ex 101. Budget will be completed and copies will be available for us at the Public Hearing .Please attend.
May 26, 2015, annual Town Meeting at the Holland Elementary School at 7:00 pm.
June 8, 2015, annual Town Elections at the Community Center from 10:00 am till 8:00 pm.
Kimberly Hermanson

Posted on 26 Apr 2015, 13:39 - Category: Announcements
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Consider the Source!

It seems to be unclear whom to believe, Dana Manning or Brian Johnson, read more»

Posted on 13 Apr 2015, 02:18 - Category: Town Politics
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The Plot deepens, Selectman Michael Kennedy resigns.

The Holland Blog just learned that member of the Board of Selectmen, Michael Kennedy, in a surprise move resigned from his position.
Is this a tactical move to help his buddy James Wettlaufer to get back into the race?
Will the voters at the caucus next Tuesday, now nominate two candidates to serve on the Board of Selectmen?
There will be no meeting tonight for lack of a quorum. Larry Mandell is unable to attend for personal reasons.

Posted on 7 Apr 2015, 14:19 - Category: Town Politics
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