Spring time; watch out for Motorcycles!

Pictured above: EMTs called from Sturbridge attending the injured passenger of the motorcycle.
Peter Frei
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What's in your Water?
Well water information here seems reliable, click here!
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Selectboard Meeting of July 8, 2009.11 Comments - Edit - Delete
Don‘t Forget the Special Town Meeting this Tuesday, April 19!
There are two articles about bylaw changes which do not need to be on the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting slated for next Tuesday, April 19.There is a third article, Article #7, nicely hidden in-between others, and I bet you don't know about it! Is there a reason why they are not on the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting?
Also, read about interesting history and facts in connection with two (hypocritical ?) individuals roaming our Town Hall...
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Police Report about the Felony Vandalism to my Car now Available.
The official Police Report confirms that another friend and employee of Brian's HWD had not the proper license to operate the heavy equipment and needed a trainer sitting right next to him in order to legaly operate the equipment, read more»14 Comments - Edit - Delete
Accident at the Four Corners.

Brimfield Ambulance, the Holland Fire Department, and the State Police were at the scene.
Peter Frei
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And You Think You Have It Bad.
Please click on Bill to view (and read) Bill!
I thought some of the readers of the Holland Blog might enjoying seeing what their tax bill in Holland might have looked like back in 1880, (a 131 years ago), since our present tax bills were recently mailed out to us.
The tax rate was actually higher than it is now, $17.00 per thousand as opposed to our present rate of $14.58.
This is the real estate tax bill for Elisha Washington Marcy's property, he was the son of David Marcy who built the Holland Inn at the corner of Brimfield and Stafford Road in 1812. Below is familiar picture of the Inn to many of our Holland residents.

Gerry Germain
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Speak out Holland! (no.25)

Peter Frei
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I became the target of his rage after exposing illegal land deals by his family, involving the construction of two dwellings in violation of Mass. G.L. and local bylaws, his bad judgment in hiring untrained and unlicensed friends as drivers for heavy town equipment, repeated violations of the Wetlands Protection Act, lying to police officers in order to criminalize his critics, using town resources for personal gain, and quietly running a roofing company while on the payroll of the Holland Taxpayers.
After the assault of February 19, true to his character, Brian Johnson not only lied to the police to save his ass, he cowardly accused ME of wrong doing.
According to the official police report, Brian Johnson claimed that I was harassing him and his gang, and Brian accused me of having made a death-threat towards HIM, and that I did so in front of his loyal gang members who obviously were willing to lie for Brian.
Brian Johnson went as far as claiming to the two police officers, that he was in fear of his life!
What he didn’t know is, that my girlfriend was witnessing the attack and that we recorded the entire incidence. Hence, I’m able to expose his cowardly lies and criminal conduct to the community.
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Public Hearing of March 22, 2011, on the proposed amendment of the Zoning Bylaw, and the proposed amendment to the General Bylaws to adopt the “Stretch Code.”
Lynn Arnold, the chair person of the Planning Board, gave a presentation about the four proposed amendments to the Holland Zoning Bylaws.Two of the proposed bylaws amendments are needed in order to qualify as a “Green Community,” and to get grants awarded to “Green Communities.” Leaders were sleeping on the job and missed the boat last year when it was easier and more lucrative to get a sizeable piece of the pie.
Two of the bylaw changes, the two which are mandatory in order to comply with requirements to qualify as “Green Community,” will create a monopoly for one of Wettlaufer’s close friends and his business partner. These two particular individuals are the ones who control all the property located in the commercial district, the only district in which any of the solar energy generating, manufacturing, or research facilities can be built “as of right.”
For the third bylaw, the state recommends in its “Model Bylaw for Accessory Dwelling Units,” to allow such accessory dwelling units to be built within a home “as of right.”
Despite this recommendation by the Commonwealth, the Planning Board is trying to usurp control against the Commonwealth’s recommendation.
The bylaw as it is proposed by the Holland Planning Board will require a special permit to build any accessory dwelling and the Planning Board can deny applications on a whim.
The proposed accessory dwelling unit bylaw will make it more expensive for everybody who does not supplement their income by becoming a landlord.
Did you know that our chairman of the Board of Selectmen, James Wettlaufer, already has an (illegal) “in-law” apartment?? (See image of Wettlaufer‘s Property Record Card pictured above)
Lynn Arnold proved again that she either has no clue — or she deliberately lied — claiming that it would be “illegal” to record a public hearing... Read more»
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Proposed Zoning Bylaw Changes.
This coming Tuesday, March 22, a public hearing will take place to discuss the proposed bylaw changes.The changes will be good news for many! It will become possible to have an apartment or even a separate accessory dwelling on one’s property which can be rented out..
Holland voters will vote on the proposed changes during the special town meeting planned to take place April 19, 2011.
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Holland has a new Executive Secretary; meet Amy Bishop.
Kristin LaPlante left the position and the Board of Selectmen replaced Kristin with Amy, an impressing young lady who has a lot of accomplishments to show for despite her young age, read more»9 Comments - Edit - Delete