Earl Johnson dead.

Former selectman, member of the Board of Assessors, former member of the Planning Board, passed away last night.

Posted on 12 Nov 2011, 10:44 - Category: The Town Common
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Brush Cleanup.

The Town has contracted for a company to pick up storm related debris. Storm related debris may be put on the side of the road until SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 at 4:00 pm. The schedule of pickup for any particular street is not available. Please complete your cleanup this weekend, or you will be responsible for taking the debris to the brush dump.
There are job openings for monitors with the cleanup company. You may call the Days' Inn in Chicopee at 413-739-7311 and ask for O'Brien's HR office.

Posted on 11 Nov 2011, 07:51 - Category: Announcements
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Nancy Curving falsely accused of selling drugs.

Back on June 21, 2011, an anonymous individual commenting under the pseudonym “the pushed upon” left a libelous comment on this Blog accusing Nancy Curving of soliciting drugs. While I can see the need to publish anonymously on issues involving town officials for fear of retaliation, (they all just hate me for being exposed and criticized), I can’t justify any longer anonymous comments directed towards private individuals of our community.
The commenter “the pushed upon” is a coward and will hopefully be found and held responsible in the realm of an ongoing libel suit in Superior Court. I, Peter Frei, as the owner of the Holland Blog, personally offer my deepest apologies to Nancy Curving for the emotional distress these false accusations by the anonymous commenter “the pushed upon” must have caused her and her family. To avoid such anonymous unjustified attacks towards individuals of our community, I will delete any and all anonymous comments accusing any private individuals of our community of wrong doing in the future.
October 26, 2011, Peter Frei

Posted on 7 Nov 2011, 14:32 - Category: The Town Common
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Hi Peter, I am a resident of Holland and prefer not to use my name. If you need to use, Jane. I am hoping that you might be able to post this message on your blog, as this week has been a nightmare. If you want to change some of the wording around please do. Sunday morning my husband and a neighbor walked down our street and cut up branches, that they could safely cut. They also tried to help one of the guys on another street near our house cut up trees that were blocking him in. The guy they tried to help was plowing and they asked him to come and plow our end of the road and he did NOT! So much for neighborly help. And the town or tree company or someone, guarded trees and wires that were down (the wires still are) but did not do anything to the trees until Wednesday evening. And the town never came down our road to plow. not that it matters much now.  Holland has so many private, tucked away roads and I would think that the Holland police would do drive bys and wellness checks, but as far as I know, at least on my street, no one has come by. Thank you Peter!

Posted on 5 Nov 2011, 9:09 - Category: The Town Common
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Lawyer Ed Neal from Sturbridge Reprimanded for Handling of Account.

Local lawyer Edmond A. Neal III was recently issued a public reprimand by the Supreme Judicial Court’s Board of Bar Overseers in Boston for his handling of an account with money owed to his client’s ex-wife.
The board said Mr. Neal signed and filed inaccurate financial statements with the probate court while he was representing his client in contempt complaints his client’s ex-wife had filed.
The board said Mr. Neal failed to perform regular three-way reconciliations on his Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Account, through which the client made payments for child support and reconciliation of the couple’s formerly shared home.
Such accounts are part of a Supreme Judicial Court program requiring lawyers to establish interest-bearing accounts for client deposits.
The board, which also ordered Mr. Neal to attend trust account training, said Mr. Neal’s actions broke state law by failing to provide competent representation and interfered with the administration of justice.
The unnamed complainant and Mr. Neal agreed to waive a hearing and requested that the reprimand serve as the resolution, the board said.
Worcester Telegram, October 19, 2011

Posted on 24 Oct 2011, 19:10 - Category: The Town Common
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Speak out Holland! (no.28)

speak-out-speak-up speak-out-speak-up
As every 6th of the month everybody is invited to go of topic here. Do you have any questions or suggestions? Comment about anything that is amusing you or about anything that is bothering you, but do it in a civilized manner! I will delete obvious lies and offensive comments. To read previous comments under this category, click on “Speak Out Holland” on the left of this blog under the heading “Categories.”

Peter Frei

Posted on 6 Oct 2011, 23:51 - Category: Speak Out Holland
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Wales Fish & Game Club 2011 Annual Pork Roast.

The Wales Fish & Game Club had its Annual Pork Roast yesterday. We got there around half past noon. First I helped with the fire which needed help; all the rain left the wood wet and hard to burn. The rain at least stayed away for the entire afternoon. There was more food than attendees could ever eat; Leon Givner started the long process of roasting the pork the evening before and stayed up all night to have it ready by noon yesterday; no wonder that he was tired..

The buffet included besides the pork roast, tossed salad, cole slaw, baked potatoes, baked beans, corn on the cop, applesauce, and drinks. For desserts, attendees were treated with apple pie, fudge, and brownies.
Elizabeth-with-her-necklace-donated-for-the-raffle The club also sold tickets for a raffle; among the many prizes was a beautiful necklace with matching ear rings made and donated by Julie’ Jewels’ Elizabeth Johnson. Elizabeth is not only crafting her own jewelry, she is also a seamstress and will sew anything from custom dresses to curtains. She can be reached at 413-315-3110.

About 35 adults and kids enjoyed the scenic setting which features two ponds in front of the club house. Thanks Leon for your efforts in organizing this enjoyable event. It is disappointing not to see more people attending this event.

By the time the fire was burning hot it was time to go home and the fire had to be extinguished. Some of the friends I made a year ago were back again and it is just amazing what happens to time… it felt like I was just there a few weeks ago.

Peter Frei

Wales Fish & Game Club 2010 Annual Pork Roast.

Posted on 25 Sep 2011, 09:12 - Category: Things To Do
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Beware of the potholes on Brimfield Road.


Driving to Brimfield today, I hit a pot hole and thought that I would lose a wheel.

One pothole is so large and deep that it has the potential to ruin your rims if you have wheels with low profile tires. Be careful..

The pothole I’m talking about is located in the middle of the straight driving towards Brimfield before the last curve to the right before the Brimfield/ Holland line.
Peter Frei

Brian, what is it what you accomplished in the last ten years?

Posted on 23 Sep 2011, 20:49 - Category: The Town Common
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Back to School Night is tonight from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Parents can receive their student’s schedule in the main foyer from 6:15-6:30 p.m. The program will start promptly at 6:40 p.m.

Tantasqua Weekly News (TWN) recently submitted a :20 second “good morning shout out” video to a contest at WCVB Channel 5.The video was posted on their website along with several other school entries with the theme “Good Morning.” Channel 5 selected our video to air on the EyeOpener tomorrow morning (Friday) at 5:10am and 6:10am. Spread the word! The link below is the Tantasqua video as posted on the channel 5 EyeOpener website. Click here to view the video.

Posted on 22 Sep 2011, 16:14 - Category: The Town Common
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Pontoon Boat Parade in Memory of 9-11 Victims.

9-11-Pontoon-Boat-paradeChristine McCooe organized a pontoon boat parade to commemorate the victims of 9-11.
Around 10:45 AM, about eight boat carrying flags and balloons started cruising north towards the causeway.

It is hard to believe that ten years have already passed since that day.
In some way or another, September 11, 2001 changed the lives of all of us.
Peter Frei

Posted on 11 Sep 2011, 11:29 - Category: The Town Common
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Wales Fish & Game Club 2011 Annual Pork Roast.

Last-year’s-eventAs every year, the Wales Fish & Game Club will hold its annual Pork Roast on Saturday, September 24.
I attended last year’s event and the meal was excellent. Tickets are $15.00 each at the door, $12.00 until Thursday September 22, by calling, 413 813 5593. Children 10 years of age and under are free.
The meal will be served starting at 1PM. There will be a camp fire, games, and a raffle. Come and join us for a fun afternoon. You got to eat, right? Make new friends and enjoy the beautiful setting.
Peter Frei Wales Fish & Game Club Annual Pork Roast.

Posted on 7 Sep 2011, 10:02 - Category: Things To Do
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