Tree Removal Legal Notice.
Town of Holland Tree Warden Notice of Tree Removal Hearing.The Tree Warden will hold a public hearing pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 87, Sec. 3 and 4, on Thursday July 14, 2011 at 7:30 PM in the community room of the Town Hall, 27 Sturbridge Road, to consider the removal of the following trees, all of which are located on Sturbridge Road:
5 Hemlock Trees; ranging from 4 to 10 inches in diameter.
18 Oak Trees; ranging from 4 to 28 inches in diameter.
6 White Birch Trees; ranging from 3 to 10 inches in diameter.
28 Pine Trees; ranging from 4 to 40 inches in diameter.
3 Maple Trees; ranging from 4 to 12 inches in diameter.
2 Cherry Trees; ranging from 4 to 10 inches in diameter.
6 Beechnut Tree; ranging from 3 to 20 inches in diameter.
Brian Johnson, Tree Warden Town of Holland.
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Former Circle H Ranch burned to the ground.

A place some old-timers have fond memories about, burned to the ground. The blaze destroyed the main building of Rascal’s Powersports Plus, what used to be the Circle H Ranch, read more»
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Sturbridge Road Work
Work will be beginning, the first week of July, on Sturbridge Road from Sand Hill Rd to Leno Rd. Expect detours and/or delays.2 Comments - Edit - Delete
Its Official Now; Brian Haughey New Chief of Police.
Our community has a five year window of opportunity to establish and support a police force that ultimately will serve our community with integrity, and not their superiors in ex-change for job security, read more»2 Comments - Edit - Delete
Bad Turn on Over the Top Road

Appears Acura driver had trouble turning around in a driveway at about #46 Over The Top Road last night in the heavy downpour. Got stuck on the edge of a steep hill heading towards the lake.

Holland FD rescued early Sunday morning.
Kevin Murphy
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School's out for the Summer.
We all remember that song as we sing a different tune as our kids begin their summer vacation.“No more school...what a bummer....I can’t wait till the end of summer.”
The children are home from school as they begin their summer break here on serene Lake Hamilton.
As we all know that means a time when injuries, bumps, and bruises are on the rise as we found out on the first day of our summer vacation 2011. If your Child is injured..., before making that emergency 911 call for help, please take the time to read the following story. Read more»
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Burgess PTO Press Release.
Attached please find the following press releases for immediate publication, distribution display in public areas, and on web sites: Click on any link above (writing in bold/italic) to read the Press Release!We would ask that any and all newspapers and web sites publish this information as soon as possible. Public Offices, entities and Businesses please post this information in a public location or on your public web sites. Neighbors please share this information with neighbors and friends to get the word out. If anyone has creative ideas to make this information available to residents via facebook or other networking sites please do. Thank you to all who have and continue to disseminate this important information to the public.
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Speak out Holland! (no.26)

Peter Frei
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Tornado of June 1st 2011.

Foundation of house on Page Hill Road in Brimfield. In the far upper corner is a pile of rubble to see, the remains of a former house on Wales Road near a pond.
Click on image to enlarge!
An unprecedented Tornado devastated along his 39 mile path of destruction communities between Westfield and Charlton, read more»
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Brian Johnson’s (former) “Super Lawyer” Tani Sapirstein tried to dupe the Court.

Tani Sapirstein of Sapirstein & Sapirstein, P.C., Attorneys at Law, is a familiar name since the last attempt by James Wettlaufer to prove that the Lamountain’s are not involved in farming failed miserably and the taxpayer had to pickup the tab for Wettlaufer’s personal vendetta against the LaMountain's.
Sapirstein is now representing defendant Brian Johnson, our elected Highway Surveyor, in an attempt to keep Brian’s criminal record untarnished. Honorable Justice Poehler from the Palmer District Court will decide at the end of the hearing whether a “Criminal Harassment Prevention Order” should issue against Brian Johnson, read more»
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25th Anniversary of Chernobyl.
“The solution to pollution is dilution”, may not work anylonger someday.The rate humans generate pollution with substances which have half-life times of thousands of years is rapidly increasing and the thing with dilution eventually will not work any longer and will become everybody’s problem, read more»
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