
The dam has been opened in anticipation of the coming storm with perhaps 10 inches of rain. It is recommended that if you have a boat in the lake, that you pull it out at this time. Beginning Thursday afternoon in accordance with the state declaration, we [town officials] are putting into effect emergency management procedures.
Read also:
Shelter, a Basic Human Need; the Flood of 2005.1 Comment - Edit - Delete
Another Break-in at the Holland Market.
I just learned that the Holland Market was again the target of a Break-In. The police is there right now to investigate. The Holland Blog reported about the previous break-in on March 8, 2009 under the heading: Holland Market burglarized twice.11 Comments - Edit - Delete
Break-in on 246 Stafford Road, Witnesses Sought.
Mr. Frei-I'm writing in hopes you can post this or some form of it on the blog... today (august 10th) my house @ 246 stafford rd was broken into. Whoever did this had the nerve to kick my front door, steal my Toshiba laptop and an 80lb safe containing some sports collectibles and other personal items. They did this in broad daylight between the time of 10am and 3pm. By all indications just a completely random act. If anyone happened to be driving by and saw something or hears of anyone trying to pawn off a Toshiba laptop. Please contact me or the HPD. Greatly appreciate any help!
Bryan Teasdale, reach me at: Bteasdale24@hotmail.com
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Another Day in Court, Brian Johnson’s Lawyer Tani Sapirstein Filed Motion to Dismiss.
The grueling hearing to determine whether Brian Johnson is criminally harassing me and whether the issuance of a “Criminal Harassment Prevention Order” for my protection is nessessary and justified, was on the docket again today in Palmer District Court, read more»5 Comments - Edit - Delete
Speak out Holland! (no.27)

Peter Frei
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Bald Eagle Sighting On Hamilton Reservoir.

It was a beautiful day on the lake, about 11:00 AM, before all the powerboats come out. Bald Eagle spotted looking out over the old public beach area. High up in a well guarded pine tree, he looked out over the lake. Incredible bird!
View is from the water as he was eye balling us as we floated on by.
Picture and text, Kevin Murphy
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CHEFS sought for Rib Festival Fundraiser.
My name is Deborah Williams, resident of Holland Ma, and President of a the new non-profit organization, the BACK OF THE PACK Productions, (www.botpp.org). I am hosting a Rib Festival Fundraiser August 14th 3-5pm in Wales Ma at OakHaven Campground. I am in serious need of chefs to cook ribs. I was thinking posting an article on this Blog may jump-start some help?I attempted to contact the fire departments in the 13 towns our by-laws cover as well to donate their time to be “chefs” with no luck. Any suggestions!
Deb Williams 413-427-1492
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Relief from the Heat.
For those who need relief from the heat, the Senior Center, on Brimfield Road, will be open today, Thursday until 8:00 pm. The Senior Center will also be open 10:00 - 5:00 tomorrow, Friday.1 Comment - Edit - Delete
Johnson’s “Entitlement Mentality” At Its Best.

Together with upcoming testimony by Officer Jeffrey Forcier from the HPD, the recording will prove to the Court that Brian Johnson did not only lie to the police to stay out of trouble, he falsely accused me of having made a death threat towards him (a crime in Massachusetts)!
Just three days after honorable Justice Patricia Poehler heard the audio recording, Sapirstein filed a civil suit on behalf of Brian Johnson, claiming that Johnson suffered (unspecified) damages. In the process, Sapirstein, for the second time, tried to dupe the court and did so with an outright lie. She even wants ME to pay for her efforts. On July 15, 2011, I filed a request in Palmer District Court to have Tani Sapirstein sanctioned for violating her attorney's oath, read more»
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Palmer District Court Found Probable Cause to Issue Criminal Complaint.
Brian Johnson’s close friend and neighbor, hired by Brian Johnson to operate the town’s heavy front loader, lawyered up for his show cause hearing in Palmer District Court last Thursday, July 8, 2011, read more»7 Comments - Edit - Delete
Brimfield’s Holland Road Relief Open Air Concert at “One Stop.”

Dave Bell is an avid drummer and plays with Sara Ashleigh (vocal), Marc Gravelin (sax and keyboard), Rich Hyatt and Richard Burns (guitars) in the “Push the Blues Band.”
Other performers which will attend the once in a lifetime concert right here in Brimfield (Woodstock without the rain), Doug Bell, Nicole Coogan, Michael Douglas, Billy Goodspeed, Ironstein, Power Play, DJ Rini, DJ Soup, 48 Miles. Many more guest appearances to be announced during the show!!!
Parking will be in the fields along Holland Road south of the woods at the Holland / Brimfield town line. Hay Rides to “One Stop” will be offered for attendees.
Bring your own food and beverages and don’t forget to bring some green to help with a donation. Proceeds will go to Holland Road residents and business owners who’s properties were destroyed during the Tornado of June 1, 2011.
Performances will begin at around noon time and will continue until 10pm.
Peter Frei
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