Newly discovered document raises question of Culpability.

In a letter obtained by the Holland Blog, the Board of Selectmen discarded concerns voiced by former member of the Board of selectman, Carolyn Reardon, about excessive firearms purchases by former Police Chief Kevin Gleason.
The letter dated May 24, 2005 and signed by selectman James Wettlaufer, clearly shows that early signs of irregularities were ignored and dismissed:
“Some of the purchase orders you [Carolyn Reardon] copied were either cancelled prior to delivery or returned.”
Mr. Wettlaufer, is this normal procedure? A chief randomly orders firearms just to be cancelled? Some firearms that were ordered and delivered were returned? If there was no need for the delivered firearms, why were they ordered in the first place? This behavior by Gleason did not raise red flags in your mind?
Mr. Wettlaufer, What did you mean with your statement:
“I have looked into the matter with Chief Gleason, and I am with the accounting of the weapons inventory and other equipment.”

This statement is confusing, do you agree Mr. Wettlaufer? It seems to me that you were confused yourself but ignored even your own confusion. Gleason-interview-to-became-Chief-of-Police
I personally expect more responsibility from individuals who carry the highest office in our community. In my opinion are you, together with Johnson, culpable for the Gleason debacle. This is nothing new; this letter just reaffirms my conclusion.
The word in town is that it was Petersen who finally took action to bring Gleason down. The Word is also that Johnson tried hard to undermine Petersen’s efforts and tried to prevent the inevitable. Click here to view the letter signed by Wettlaufer.
Peter Frei

Posted on 12 Dec 2009, 17:31 - Category: Town Politics
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These are difficult times, need a tax-break?


I have some information how one of our assessors keeps his property taxes down; the information might help you too getting a break.

All you need is a few lose tiles,
read more»

Posted on 11 Dec 2009, 22:54 - Category: The Town Common
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Selectboard meeting of December 1, 2009.

The first meeting this month by the Board of Selectmen was funny at times, but also ugly at other times. Johnson compared someone of our community with Dr.Goebbels, Adolf Hitler's propaganda minister during the second World War, read more»

Posted on 10 Dec 2009, 21:10 - Category: Board Of Selectmen
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James LaMountain filed his next lawsuit.

On the heels of Superior Court Judge Ford's $150,000.00 fine due to a default judgment, LaMountain filed his next lawsuit in Federal Court alleging violations of his civil rights. James Wettlaufer and two DEP officials are named as defendants. Read more»

Posted on 10 Dec 2009, 00:34 - Category: Ongoing And Past Litigation
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Results of the Primary to fill Kennedy’s Senate seat.

A total of 177 voters made it to the town hall this past Tuesday. Out of the 177 voters, 115 were Democrats, 61 Republicans, and 1 Libertarian. Holland voters voted as follows:
Democrats: Capuano Michael E. 11 votes; Coakley Martha 72 votes; Khazei Alan 10 votes; Pagliuca Stephen 22 votes.
Republicans: Brown P. Scott 47 votes; Robinson Jack E. 14 votes.

Martha Coakley, Attorney General since her sweeping victory back in 2006 for that position, won the primary for the Democrats with 47 percent of the votes cast by the Democrats. On the Republican site Scott P. Brown, a lawyer and state senator, won the race with 89 percent of the Republican votes.
Peter Frei

Posted on 9 Dec 2009, 18:36 - Category: The Town Common
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Daycare-Center at the Highway Department?


Is our Highway Surveyor, Brian Johnson, now also running a daycare center or just babysitting his children while on the clock for the Highway Department? Read more»

This picture was taken at 11:30 AM on Monday, December 7, 2009.

Posted on 7 Dec 2009, 18:51 - Category: The Town Common
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Who is this man?

Launch in external player to see a larger picture!

The Holland Blog needs your help! Can somebody identify this suspect?

The video surveillance is showing the suspect as he trespasses the LaMountain Farm. The rest of the video will be released once the suspect who is accused of vandalizing farm property is identified. The suspect is probably living on Amber Road or somewhere close to Amber Brook.
Please call James LaMountain at 413 245 4502 or Holland Police at 413 245 0117 with any information.

Peter Frei

Posted on 7 Dec 2009, 00:01 - Category: The Town Common
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Speak out Holland! (no.9)

As every 6th of the month, everybody is invited to go of topic here. Do you have any questions, suggestions? Comment about anything that is amusing you or anything that is bothering you, but do it in a civilized manner! I will delete obvious lies and offensive comments. To read previous comments under this category, click on “Speak Out Holland” on the left of this blog under the heading “Categories.”
Peter Frei

Posted on 6 Dec 2009, 09:25 - Category: Speak Out Holland
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Missing Your Tax Bill?

Fiscal Year 2010 Tax Bills were mailed on November 5th and are due December 7th. A number of tax bills have been returned to the Town Hall. Some are marked “NO MAIL RECEPTICLE.” If you have not recieved your bill, Please call the Assessors’ office 413 245-7108, extension 106.

Posted on 1 Dec 2009, 17:50 - Category: The Town Common
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Burglary in Holland

Shortly after 6 am this morning, the house of 65 year old Richard Talbot on 6 Cove Road in Holland was burglarized. Mr. Talbot returned home to find a window broken and his door kicked-in. Mr. Talbot occasionally helps Dave at the Holland Market to carry newspapers into the building early Sunday mornings and has his morning coffee there at the Holland Market. A large sum of money was missing after the burglary. The door was damaged to the point that it broke the hinges of the door. The State Police are investigating.
Peter Frei

Posted on 29 Nov 2009, 17:42 - Category: The Town Common
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What really happened...

One of Mark Twain's most remembered aphorisms is,
“If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.”
It takes time to research a story, and it takes time to read a story and not just the headlines.
The Holland Blog offers you the real story and backs up its claims with original documents and photographs.
A newspaper can’t offer you links to original documents to back up a story.
If you take a few minutes, you will learn what really happened and who the real bad guys are. Don’t believe headlines, see for yourself and trust Mark Twain... read more»

Posted on 29 Nov 2009, 11:06 - Category: Ongoing And Past Litigation
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