Tantasqua Teachers receive wage increase
During yesterday’s Tantasqua School committee meeting, a majority of the committee voted in favor of raising teacher’s salaries four percent over the next three years. In favor of the raise despite the uncertain economic future was Tantasqua representative for the town of Holland Howard Fife. The other of the two Holland representatives, Michael Kennedy, opposed the salary increase.The 10-5 vote accepted the proposed union contract for the years 2010-2012. Other roll call votes in favor were cast by Tantasqua School committee chairwoman Kathleen Neal, Sheila Noyes-Miller, William Haggerty, Steven Andstrom, Patricia Barnicle, Michelle Fitzgerald, Susan Hilker, Mary McGlynn and Elizabeth Tichy.
Other opposed voters were James Ehrhard, James Cooke, Brenda Tooley, and selectman representative Michael Valanzola of Wales who served on the contract negotiating subcommittee that voted 4-1 to present the contract to the School Committee. The following individuals abstained from the vote to prevent any conceivable conflict due to direct relations to people affected by the contract: Geoffrey Earls, Francis Simanski and Donald Faugno. Peter O’Connell was absent. The raise is designed to increase 1 percent the first year and 1 1/2 percent for the next two years, for a total raise of 4 percent. According to Boyd, Tantasqua may face a $250,000 shortfall in state reimbursement for their regional transportation.
Peter Frei
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Selectboard Meeting of May 19, 2009.
Last night the selectboard met the second time this month, a different officer was appointed as interim Chief, read more»3 Comments - Edit - Delete
Riddle solved! (no.3)
Is history destined to repeat itself? The Riddle is solved. Learn who has not changed and has not admitted any of his wrongs yet. Inform yourself to avoid another mistake and help end his carrier once and for all. It is time for a change, read more»Leave a comment - Edit - Delete
Holland Rod and Gun Club fishing derby

It was not the greatest day to attend a fishing derby, the ladies however beat the guys in numbers for a change.
To find out who the three individuals were that walked away as the prize winners at today's derby and to view more pictures, click here»
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If it aint broke, don't fix it
From: Mr.fixit To: The Holland BlogThere is an old slogan that many new englanders have used for years. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Well, it is broke, and it has to be fixed. What is broken is the trust in Holland’s government. There are too many obvious illegalities that have taken place over the years. Government is supposed to be “by the people for the people,” not “by some people for some people.” I have known Peter Frei for many years. Besides being extremely intelligent, Peter is exceedingly headstrong and very persistent. He is honest, aboveboard, and courageous. When Peter first bought the land he lives on in Holland, he had problems with town officials. He asked “how can they do these things to me?” “Do they have laws to protect me in this country?” I advised him to get a lawyer. Much to my surprise, Peter represented himself. After hours and hours of study by himself at the law library in Springfield, Peter was able to get his cases heard. Sure it cost the town of Holland some taxpayers money, but in the long run, Peter will be seen as the hero that saved the town. It is ironic that a Swiss man would save Holland. This man deserves more than thanks. He deserves a key to the town and a parade. He is a true American. Single handed, Peter started this movement. Now this blog has made him the Pied Piper of Holland.
Guess who started this blog? VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Speak up! Clean up!
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Riddle (no.3)
Is history destined to repeat itself? In this Riddle, the Holland Blog is looking for a name, the name of the individual that was sitting on a specific board 14 years ago, sits on the same board now, and wants to be reelected despite his sinister history and the unequivocally clear recommendation by Department of Revenue in their last report not to do so! To read more about this riddle and participate, click here!»1 Comment - Edit - Delete
Board of selectmen met with members of the HPD
Last night, the three members of the selectboard met with three members of the Holland Police Department to discuss the transition period and how to fill the vacant Chief position after Kevin Gleason's resignation, read more»9 Comments - Edit - Delete
Wettlaufer’s documented Lie No.1
The Holland Blog is starting a LIE-Counter; this lie-counter will start at zero and will increase by one increment with each documented past or new significant lie by one of our selectmen.I know, the word “LIE” has an extreme negative connotation; I do not use it lightly. To allege that a selectman is lying is a serious allegation as the act of lying by any town official is an outrageous act. Some of what you will read here is ugly; most of you will only read about it, a few of us actually have to live with Wettlaufer’s and Earl Johnsons’s lies on a daily basis. While some slanderous lies only affect certain individuals, other lies affect the entire community in a most harmful way and will only be realized by unassuming trusting individuals when it is too late. The truck stop is a prime example of a development where nepotism and cronyism rule over commonsense and the entire community will suffer the consequences.
The first lie the Holland Blog is documenting here is a lie perpetrated during an interview by James Wettlaufer that he gave to the Southbridge Evening News just days before the election back in 2007. The evidence the Holland Blog provides to expose Wettlaufer’s lie could not be more credible. The evidence is a court document, the MEMORANDUM OF DECISION AND ORDER ON THE DEFENDANT’S MOTION TO DISMISS, HAMPDEN SUPRIOR COURT CIVIL ACTION NO. 2006-00651.
What the Holland Blog here does is not slandering the chairman of the selectboard James Wettlaufer, the Holland Blog here proves that Wettlaufer is slandering one of the residents of Holland. To read Wettlaufer’s LIE, click here!»
Peter Frei
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Screening of the movie “The Violin”
If you don’t have any plans for Thursday evening May 14, and you like a good flick, I might just have the right tip for you... Library Box Office presents independent and foreign film series at the Jacob Edwards Library.
“The Violin [Adult],” is a story about Don Plutarco, his son Genaro and his grandson Lucio who live a double life: on one hand they are musicians and humble farmers, on the other they support the campesina peasant guerilla movement's armed efforts against the oppressive government. When the military seizes the village, the rebels flee to the sierra hills, forced to leave behind their stock of ammunition. While the guerillas organize a counter-attack, old Plutarco executes his own plan. He plays up his appearance as a harmless violin player, in order to get into the village and recover the ammunition hidden in his corn field. His violin playing charms the army captain, who orders Plutarco to come back daily. Arms and music play a tenuous game of cat-and-mouse which ultimately results in painful betrayal.
The movie is in Spanish with subtitles in English and won 13 awards!
Peter Frei
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Ex Chief Gleason investigated
The Holland Blog was informed by a reliable source at the town hall that Kevin Gleason was the “town official” that gave cause to the executive sessions held by the board of selectman during the last two regular official Board meetings. In a letter sent on or around May 5, 2009, chairman of the board of selectmen, James Wettlaufer, “empowered” first Assistant District Attorney James Orenstein, Hampden County Bureau, to move forward with an investigation to determine if any wrongdoing took place. The recent resignation of Police Chief Kevin Gleason caused the selectboard to change all the locks and security codes and claimed that this would be “normal procedure.” Gleason cited medical reasons for his resignation a week ago and Wettlaufer has yet to admit to the residents of Holland that Gleason’s resignation brought “certain irregularities” to light.Peter Frei
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Christine McCooe accused of stealing campaign signs
The organizers of the Write-In Campaign set up campaign signs for the first time yesterday.
Peter Frei
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