James LaMountain PRESS RELEASE
The Holland Blog received a Press Release about a trial that ended today in Superior Court, read more»41 Comments - Edit - Delete
Untitled (2)
The Holland Blog received another anonymous letter with two pictures (only one is shown as they are almost identical) by mail about irregularities in the Highway Department of our town. Brian Johnson is our elected Highway Superintendent and son of one of our elected selectmen, Earl Johnson. The Department is under the control of Brian Johnson. The Holland Blog has not altered the text or the picture, to read the letter and view the picture, click here»Any information is welcomed and will be posted! All sources are kept strictly confidential.
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Holland Dog Pound has a Blog!

Ray Korny, the dog officer of Holland, created a blog for the dog pound. He is also reporting about the dog pound and is looking for a home for Henry, read more»
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Pickup truck crash went unnoticed!
It happened more than a year ago on East Brimfield Road. A light blue pickup truck lost both front wheels and ended up against a tree, read more»11 Comments - Edit - Delete
100,000 Page Views!
Time to celebrate.....The Holland Blog went online for the first time at 13:30 hours on Saturday February 14, 2009. Today, the Holland Blog was viewed 100,000 times (page views or hits). The page view count 100,000 originated at IP number, which is an IP number signed up with ISP Cox Communications that uses Cable/DSL connections out of Stafford Springs.
I would like to share one of my favorite YouTube videos with the readers of the Holland Blog to celebrate this special occasion:
David Elsewhere performing in 2001. He was born in 1979 and grew up in Santa Ana, CA, and is considered one of the best breakdancers.
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The “Twining” Burn of April 26, 2008.

As the fires on the North East Concept owned hillside property do get a lot of attention, here are pictures of the permitted fire that took place on April 26, 2008, and my observations,
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Karen Raymond, abutter of the hillside property owned by North East Concepsts Inc. and farmed by James LaMountain. seems to be the only individual catering to chairman of the Board of Selectmen James Wettlaufer's personal vendetta towards James LaMountain. To read about the latest chapter in the ongoing insanity financed by the taxpayer, click here»13 Comments - Edit - Delete
Brimfield Antique Auto Show
Despite the questionable whether forecast, the organizers of the show give it a go for this Saturday, October 10, 2009.
Cars will enter in 25 categories to compete for 75 trophies and 3 Best In Show. Tickets are available at all Country Banks branches and proceeds benefit the Brimfield Senior Center. For Info call 413 544 1644 (for exhibitor), 413 531 0843 (for general info).
Peter Frei
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Speak out Holland! (no.7)
As every 6th of the month, everybody is invited to go of topic here. Comment about anything that is bothering you, but do it in a civilized manner! I will delete obvious lies and offensive comments. To read previous comments under this category, click on “Speak Out Holland” on the left of this blog under the heading “Categories.”Peter Frei
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Our elected Highway Superintendent a liar?
There is a pattern evolving that is most unflattering for one of our elected officials, Brian Johnson, son of selectman Earl Johnson. He needs to lie to keep his scheme going, read more»51 Comments - Edit - Delete
Office or residence?

Despite the fact that you don’t see much of Earl Johnson's son Brian Johnson on the roads of Holland, he is a busy man; he also calls himself a president of a corporation, read more»
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