Sparky found a canoe

Sparky found this canoe floating in the lake. If it is your canoe, you can pick it up at 109 Sandy Beach Road in Holland. The canoe is a Gazette Canoe and was spotted this morning floating in the cove opposite Sparky’s house.
Peter Frei
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He is too a farmer
Peter-I was doing some research and I stumbled upon this “DEFINITION OF A FARMER” from our own Massachusetts General Laws. I thought you should post it on your blog.
M.G.L. Chapter 90 §1:
“Farmer”, a person substantially engaged in the occupation of farming which shall include, but not be limited to, farming in all its branches, the cultivation and tillage of the soil, dairying, the production, cultivation, growing and harvesting of any agricultural, aquacultural, floricultural or horticultural commodities, the growing and harvesting of forest products upon forest land, the raising of livestock including horses, the keeping of horses as a commercial enterprise, the keeping and raising of poultry, swine, cattle and other domesticated animals used for food purposes, bees, fur-bearing animals, and any forestry or lumbering operations, performed by a farmer engaged in agriculture or farming as herein defined, or on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with such farming operations including, but not limited to, preparations for market, delivery to storage or to market or to carriers for transportation to market.
So… forestry is considered a farming activity! Why do certain members of the Select Board think (in error) that it is not? Why do they try to insist that Mr. LaMountain is not a farmer? Unless you are a moron, you can clearly see by this definition that James LaMountain does indeed meet the definition of a farmer. If it LOOKS like farming… if it SMELLS like farming…by Gosh…it MUST BE FARMING!!
The LaMountains sell cord wood, they raise chickens, pigs and cows, they also sell organic meat ( I assume the chickens pigs and cows they raise….) The LaMountain’s raise these animals while maintaining healthy living environments for them. This is not how the meat you buy at the grocery store gets treated before being wrapped in plastic with a freshness CO2 absorber to keep the meat looking red and fresh. Those farmers are guilty of overcrowding and frequent e-coli contamination.
I will say it again, with emphasis: If it looks like farming…. If it smells like farming… it doesn’t matter if it is large scale (overcrowding and e-coli contamination) or small scale (self sufficient, organic, open space and healthy to the animals) IT IS STILL FARMING!
S.D. (name withheld by the Holland Blog)12 Comments - Edit - Delete
Selectboard Meeting of November 3, 2009
Read about the latest chapter in the feud between Wettlaufer and LaMountain, the new law requiring town officials and town employees to take an ethics test every two years, more fallout about the Gleason blunder and more»14 Comments - Edit - Delete
Chimney Fire on Lake Drive

Beside the fire engine shown, three fire fighters arrived on the scene in their private cars equipped with emergency lights.
Peter Frei
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New Rule
Earlier today a commenter accused a town official of breaking the law without specifying what law the accused official allegedly broke or is breaking. From now on comments accusing anybody of breaking the law without specifying M.G.L. chapter and section, or MCR section, will be moved to the trash bin. If a commenter is launching such a serious allegation he better knows what he is talking about and is able to specify the alleged violation. The Holland Blog only requests from commenters the same standards as it applies to itself.Peter Frei
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Speak out Holland! (no.8)
As every 6th of the month, everybody is invited to go of topic here. Comment about anything that you like about our community, or comment about anything going on in town that is bothering you. With a simple comment you can initiate a discussion and find out what other members in our community think. Please do it in a civilized manner! I will delete obvious lies and offensive comments. To read previous comments under this category, click on “Speak Out Holland” on the left of this blog under the heading “Categories.”Peter Frei
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Society’s obsession with sex.
I did get an anonymous phone call after I posted the comment defending Lamountain about having consensual sex with a teenager two weeks short of her 16th birthday. The (female?) caller seems to be upset that In my opinion LaMountain’s five year jail sentence didn’t fit the crime. The caller said that I’m as bad as James LaMountain. I can live with that, I prefer to be as bad as James LaMountain, I would object to being compared with individuals like Earl Johnson, James Wettlaufer, or many other town officials as James LaMountain doesn’t steal and/or lie, (remember Kevin Gleason?, or “Johnson-Landgate?”).
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the left, and Justice Sonia Sotomayor on the right.
Not many people do know that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the United States Supreme Court suggested in her report “Sex Bias in the U.S. Code,” to lower the age of consent from 16 years to 12, and did so 32 years ago! If I look at some of the 16 year old teenagers, they don’t look like children in need of protection to me. To me they seem to know what they want and are old enough to decide for themselves.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg made the suggestion to lower the age of consent to 12 years on page 102 in her report to the United States Commission on Civil Rights. As always, the Holland Blog backs up its claims, just click on “report” or “page 102” to read Justice Ginsburg’s statement. Click on any other word written in bold/italic to follow the links!
Peter Frei
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Record Keeping at the Planning Board

M.G.L., c.39, s.23B provides in part: “A governmental body shall maintain accurate records of its meetings, setting forth the date, time, place, members present or absent and action taken at each meeting, including executive sessions.” c.66, s.5A further prescribes the Board’s obligation to keep records of meetings. The picture on the left shows an image of the actual draft of the minutes to the Planning Board meeting held on the 13th of October. The Draft does not mention any actions taken besides the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. What is going on with the Planning Board and how did I end up with this draft?
Read more to find out»
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Teenage Girl kidnapped and assaulted on Amber Road.

The Holland Blog received another report about domestic violence in our community. The young lady in the picture was allegedly victimized by her own boyfriend and his father,
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Bernard Baran
What kind of a man would possess the indifference to send an innocent human being to jail for 22 years to further his own career? Since James LaMountain’s press release about his encounter with “Judge” Daniel Ford in Superior Court, I did a lot of reading about the atrocity perpetrated against Bernard Baran in which “Judge” Daniel A. Ford was instrumental as a prosecutor at that time. I wish that a lot of people would take the time and read about the Baran case and show their support for Bernard

On the left, picture of Bernard Baran before he met prosecutor Daniel Ford; on the right after he spent 22 years as an innocent man in jail.
Peter Frei
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Special Town Meeting of October 21, 2009
If you could not make it to the meeting, The Holland Blog was there and wrote a short report, read more»1 Comment - Edit - Delete