Selectboard Meeting of June 2, 2009
The skateboard park you see in the banner-picture above with the title “Welcome to the Holland Blog,” may be history soon. Fenders will open soon under surprising new ownership. Many other topics were discussed at last night’s selectboard meeting, read more»6 Comments - Edit - Delete
Public Hearings on June, 9, 2009
Conservation Commission will hold two public hearings, the Zoning Board of appeals will hold two public hearings, read more»Leave a comment - Edit - Delete
Earl Johnson resigned, the D.D.111 Scandal
Another exclusive report based on research conducted by the Holland Blog, read more»12 Comments - Edit - Delete
There is a growing number of residents that start to realize the tragic consequences a truck stop would bring to our community. I just received the following email minutes ago:
Subject: Petition for Truck Stop
Hi Peter, Not sure if you have received this petition or not, but thought it worthy of passing on to you. We need 250 signatures by June 1st please see what you can do and mail what you collect to: Chris McCooe, 13 Lake Ridge Rd, Holland, Ma. 01521
Thank you Peter-
Mary Sears, 12 Roberts Park Rd., Holland, MA. 01521
Attached is a petition to get a town vote on Truck Stop that is being proposed to the Town of Holland for the land on Mashapaug Rd., near Union, CT. We feel the voters should have a say. Please print out the attachment - we need at least 250 names, signatures in order to get a special town ballot. Please return to me by June 1st –
To view or print the Petition, click here!
To read more about the proposed truck stop, click on “Truck Stop “ under “Main Menu” on the left. Read also:A Truck Stop in our Community?
Sturbridge Voters Not As Smart As Holland Voters?
Peter Frei
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Annual Town Meeting Report of 2009
Last night the voters of Holland had an opportunity to participate in making town policy. There were no surprises, just a few unanswered questions, read more»Peter Frei
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Holland Honored Their Fallen Warriors
If you missed the Memorial Day celebrations here in Holland yesterday, the Holland Blog took some pictures for your enjoyment, to view the pictures click here»Leave a comment - Edit - Delete
One Who Served Our Country

In the midst of our community is a WWII veteran who gives back to the community by going into classrooms and talking about history.
Jack Normand shares his wartime memories of the time when he was in the Navy and stationed on the USS Zeilin, read more»Leave a comment - Edit - Delete
Tree fell through roof of dwelling!
View pictures of the house and read what happened today around 16:10 hours on Mashapaug Road, click here to read more»8 Comments - Edit - Delete
The Flags are back!
Gregoire's Flags decorating Sturbridge Road.
The Gregoire’s, retired for many years, went out and managed somehow to get their hands on not less than 26 flags.
We all notice and appreciate the flags that decorate Sturbridge Road and Brimfield Road from Memorial Day through Labor Day, but what you may not know is who is responsible for putting them up.

For the last eight years, 74 year old Leo Gregoire and his wife Dorothy are the ones who put up the flags.
Mr. Gregoire climbs his wooden ladder no less than 52 times while Mrs. Gregoire assists from the car by keeping supplies handy. When asked about the reason for his generosity, his response was:
“It is just something our family does,” Mr. Gregoire said, while climbing the ladder leaned against a telephone pole with his power drill.
A heart felt thank you from the Holland Blog to the Gregoire family for their patriotic gesture.
Dana Manning & Peter Frei
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Increadible performance by Sara Ashleigh and the “Push the Blues Band”

Six local amateur artists gave a most unexpected, stunning performance last night. It’s hard to impress me… so I was not only surprised but genuinely impressed with the talent of these six local musicians. Sara Ashleigh and the Push the Blues Band are a “must see.”
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Annual Town Meeting of 2009
Don’t forget the Annual Town Meeting next Tuesday, May 26 at the Elementary School!There is not much exiting stuff on the Warrant (click on “Warrant” to open and read the Warrant. If you see a word in bold/italic in the main section on this blog it is always a link you can click on to see the document ect.)
This might be of interest to some of you:
ARTICLE #25 To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen to enter into an option to lease and enter into a subsequent lease for nominal consideration, the land adjacent to the Senior Center for Senior Housing, or act anything thereto.
The Annual Town Election will take place on Monday June 8, 2009, form 10:00 -20:00 hours at the town hall.
Peter Frei
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