If you build it they will come...
Another Black Bear sighting reported by a reader of the Holland Blog, read more»Leave a comment - Edit - Delete
Black Bear sighting in Holland!

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Our County’s Law Library has a Newsletter.
Fighting and exposing the corruption at our town hall, I made countless trips to the Hampden Law Library at 50 State Street in Springfield. Not only is everybody as friendly as can be there, they are helpful beyond their duty. Besides updated books and treatises covering the fast spectrum of law, it is a place that offers free “Lexis” and “Westlaw” access to do research.Lexis and Westlaw are corporate organizations which do collect published as well as unpublished opinions for their huge online databases. Subscribers to their services utilize these huge databases to find cases they use to support their legal argument. Powerful search engines provided by Lexis and Westlaw are helpful to find that case to the point needed to win an argument.
Law firms pay thousands of dollars every month for their subscriptions. Whether their attorneys practice in state, federal, or Supreme Court, the service is imperative to write complaints, motions, briefs, or prepare oral arguments.
If you do want to be taken serious, you can’t do without, believe me! At the Hampden Law Library you get this service for free... To make the best use of the time at the library, cases of interest can be e-mailed to your home to be read in the privacy of your home at your convenience.
What ever your legal needs are; you may want to fight an unjustified citation, you are going through divorce, you want to file a patent for your million dollar idea, or you have an issue with your landlord; you will be amazed what you can do if you just believe in yourself. The folks at the law library will help you along the jorney. The latest service the Hampden Law Library offers is a free online newsletter. Click here to read the first edition, to subscribe to the newsletter, click on the link included in their newsletter.
Peter Frei
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Lake Siog closed
The rain over the weekend washed out many septic systems and as a cause the
Peter Frei
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500 Club Roast Beef Diner
Fifteen bucks is little money for a healthy delicious meal, pitching horseshoes, other fun games, and a chance to win the big prize of $1200. . . read more»Leave a comment - Edit - Delete
Erosion biggest threat to our Lake!
Studies show that erosion is the biggest threat to our lake, it takes vision and awareness to address the problem. Both seem to be absent at the town hall, read more»10 Comments - Edit - Delete
500 Club Roast Beef Diner

As every year, the club will sell 500 tickets for $15.00.
The drawing will be at 4 p.m. The first prize will be $1200, 2nd prize $600, 3rd prize $300, 4th prize $200, 5th Prize $175, 6th prize $150, 7th prize $100, and 8th prize $50.
There will also be drawings of attendance prizes of $25 each. The times of the drawings will be: 2.30 p.m., 3 p.m., 3.30 p.m., and 4 p.m.
There will be horseshoe pitching and time to catch-up on local gossip at the bar inside. I was there last year and had fun meeting new people. You don’t need to be a member to attend.
Peter Frei
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Selectboard Meeting of July 21, 2009.
On Tuesday the selectboard met the second time this month, read more»Leave a comment - Edit - Delete
How Peter Frei came to shake hands with Neil Armstrong.
There are always surprises when listening to Peter’s many stories. Yesterday was one of these days Peter reflected on the past telling me another story of his eventful life. If you like to know how Peter came to shake Neil Armstrong’s hand, click here!1 Comment - Edit - Delete
Amnesty International local Group at the Sturbridge Coffee House

The local Amnesty International Group is organizing a “night of music & information” at the Sturbridge Coffee House this coming Saturday July 25 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. There will be live music and members of the local group will give information about Amnesty and speak a little bit about what the group is doing. The group typically meets every third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Booklover's Gourmet in Webster, MA. The work of Amnesty International is very important and satisfying. I am a member myself; I can’t attend the monthly meetings as I cover the selectboard meetings which, unfortunately, are held at the same time.
Peter Frei
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Mountain Biking at Quinebaug Woods

Most people don't realize that two hours of fun is just a stone-throw away.
Right in your backyard is Quinebaug Woods.
Pack your picnic baskets, grab your mountain bikes, and head for the trails!
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