Speak out Holland! (no.10)
As every 6th of the month, everybody is invited to go of topic here. Do you have any questions, suggestions? Comment about anything that is amusing you or anything that is bothering you, but do it in a civilized manner! I will delete obvious lies and offensive comments. To read previous comments under this category, click on “Speak Out Holland” on the left of this blog under the heading “Categories.”Peter Frei
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Organic Beef, YUMMY...

Dana (on the right) is enjoying a Hamburger cooked with organic beef from one of LaMountain’s cattles that was part of his prize Hereford herd that grazes on the green hills of the Huguenot Farm in Oxford; it is the best Beef you can eat..
Peter Frei
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Car crashed down embankment towards Hamilton Reservoir.

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Happy New Year 2010!
The Holland Blog wishes everybody a Happy New Year. Read about the most disappointing event in 2009 and what the “Holland Blog” is hoping for in the New Year, read more»8 Comments - Edit - Delete
What was YOUR best Christmas Present ever?
Did you ever get a Christmas present that you still rememer to this day? Read more»3 Comments - Edit - Delete
Update; Truck Stop in Holland still uncertain.
Yesterday one year ago, Flying J filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Back on July 14, 2009, Flying J released a Press Release announcing a merger with Pilot Travel Center LLC.According to Mike Miller, operations manager at Flying J Property Development Group, everything is still on hold, “nobody knows what is going to happen, I can’t tell you which projects will be built and which aren’t, everything is on hold.”
Mr. Miller: “We are still waiting for the approval of the merger by the “FTC.”
If you hear rumors in town that the Flying J truck stop was not going to be built, don’t believe it! For the time being, it is just on hold. There is still time to collect the rest of the needed signatures to get that zoning bylaw change to prevent the truck stop.
Peter Frei
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Earl Johnson, Mr. Grinch or Santa Clause?
Christmas shopping the Johnsons' way, read more»4 Comments - Edit - Delete
Budweiser Clydesdales in Sturbridge.
In case you missed it, the Budweiser Clydesdales had a Christmas Parade this afternoon in Sturbridge; click here, to read the “Old Sturbridge Village” Press Release.
The event was part of the “Twelve Nights of Christmas celebration” organized by the Old Sturbridge Village.
Enjoy the video..
Peter Frei
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Huguenot Farmers bring renewable energy and organic food to Holland.
We at Northeast Concepts/Huguenot Farms are pleased to announce we have entered into a Lease agreement with GTS Wind Energy, affiliates of AeroNautica Windppower, to produce green sustainable wind and solar energy on our two farms located off Mashapaug Road in Holland and Huguenot Road in Oxford.We are excited to be able to offer not only organic vegetables, beef, pork, eggs and more in the future, but also renewable green energy.

At the cost of more then $4,000,000.00 each, the windmills will exceed the property tax increase to the town the proposed truck stop would produce without the negative impact the Grossi/Wettlaufer project will have. The two windmills will also not burden any services/departments of the town, such as the Police, Highway Department, and others.
This project will also allow us to preserve our farm in Oxford and expand our agricultural operations here in Holland. We plan to increase the number of cattle in our prize herd of Hereford Cattle in Oxford to bring them to the pastures we are in the process of creating here in Holland. The Town of Holland and its residents will be able to buy electric energy produced by the windmills at a discount.
A wind Energy appraisal (4.09MB) was conducted by AeroNautica Corporation who provided favorable preliminary data for the project. (Any information
printed in bold/italic is a link you can click on.)
To familiarize yourself with the project, read the extensive wind Energy appraisal report, or feel free to contact me if you require any additional information.
Mike LaMountain, at 508 735 7072
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Wettlaufer, Johnson, and Foster defeated again; when will they stop wasting money?
Several town officials and town employees together with DEP officials spent the last two days in Palmer District Court and Hampden Superior Court. Super lawyer Tani Sapirstein was also present in Superior Court, all paid for by the taxpayers of Holland.The DEP officials had nothing, absolutely nothing to substantiate their allegations of criminal missconduct! Another case against LaMountain was dismissed without LaMountain having to rebut any allegations or calling any of his own witnesses! Read more»
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A Christmas card from James LaMountain and family

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