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Petition against Truck Stop, take two.
The organizers of the petition against the truck stop encountered two legal bumps; first, a large number of signatures turned out to be from individuals which are not registered voters; second, the text of the petition did not clearly request a specific action to be taken if accepted by the voters.To read the new petition, click here for page one, and, click here for page two.
Anybody who wants to sign the petition can printout page one, turn the paper and print page two on the backside of page one. Ask your neighbor or anybody else who might be interested in signing the petition.
Mail the signed form to: The Bousquet’s, 9 Lakeridge Drive, Holland MA, 01521.

Holland is one of the 35 towns located in the Last Green Valley formed by the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers. The area of the Last Green Valley is relatively undeveloped and forms an island in the midst of the most urbanized region in the nation. Its 300’000 inhabitants reside only 2-1/2 hours from 25 million people. The Congress recognized the importance on a local, regional and national level and designated “The Last Green Valley, Quinebaug and Shetucket Heritage Corridor” in 1994. In 1999 the corridor, which is one of 37 declared “heritage corridors” in the country, was enlarged to include the town of Holland. The Last Green Valley, Quinebaug and Shetucket Heritage Corridor, is authorized to receive up to $1 million in grants each year from the federal government. The management entity for the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley National Heritage Corridor is maintaining a webpage with more information. There is a link on the left under “Local Links.”
Under the pretence of a promised increase of tax revenues which would lower the tax burden of everybody, the voters of Holland favored rezoning the locus to accommodate the proposed Flying J truck stop, following the recommendation of the two selectmen Earl Johnson and James Wettlaufer.
However, the promised increase of tax revenues is a myth; the truck stop will bring higher taxes for everybody and not lower taxes as outlined in the piece Sturbridge Voters Not As Smart As Holland Voters?
The truck stop would also have very negative impacts on the Environment, the Economy, the social fabric of the community, and on Traffic, as outlined in this piece, A Truck Stop in our Community?
Watch the video posted in the piece Petition against proposed Truck Stop.
Peter Frei
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Selectboard Meeting of July 8, 2009.

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Who is counting?
One of James LaMountain’s attorneys is in the process of filing another lawsuit in connection with the hillside property off Mashapaug Road. I lost track and don’t know how many frivolous lawsuits the town filed against the owner’s of the hillside property and how many lawsuits the owners had to file against the town to protect their rights.Brian Johnson denied James LaMountain a driveway permit even so LaMountain filed all the necessary documents and has a legitimate claim of entitlement in the permit. The denial of the driveway permit is part of the Johnson/Wettlaufer scheme to harass the owners of the hillside property, Northeast Concepts, Chad Brigham, Mike LaMountain and his father James LaMountain, with repeated litigation (paid for by the taxpayers).
The driveway issue is not the only matter that will be adjudicated; the complaint also accuses the town for dumping sediments onto their beachside property. This is an allegation that was originally brought up by the town against the owners of the hillside property.
James P. LaMountain’s attorney in this matter is Edward M. Pikula, Esqire. Attorney Pikula is not just another attorney, Mr. Pikula is the town solicitor of the town of Springfield, Massachusetts. Pikula argued the case Springfield v. Kibbe, 480 U.S. 257 (1987) before the Supreme Court of the United States. Certiorari was granted in this case to resolve the question whether, consistently with the decision in Monell v. New York City Dept. of Social Services, 436 U. S. 658, a municipality can be held liable under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for inadequate training of its employees. The Supreme Court ruled against the town of Springfield in a five to four decision. To read the complaint Pikula is filing on behalf of James LaMountain, click here!
The complaint is in part based on an investigation conducted by Milone & MacBroom, Inc., a consulting firm providing services in Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Water Resource Engineering & Environmental Planning, Landscape Architecture, and Surveying & Construction Management. A true copy of the Milone & MacBroom intestigative report is attached to the complaint as Exhibit F.
To read the report, click here! The report about the investigation conducted by Milone & MacBroom, Inc., proves that what the town accused the plaintiffs of doing (dumping sediments into the lake), is actually the town’s own doing! The pictures shown on page 25 and following pages in the report tell the story and prove the allegations made by the town officials as lies.
Peter Frei
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Screening of the movie “The Great Match”
If you don’t have any plans for tomorrow evening July 9, and you like a good flick, I might just have the right tip for you... Library Box Office presents independent and foreign film series at the Jacob Edwards Library.
This film [adult] tells the adventurous story of three heroes, none of whom have ever met, but who nevertheless have two things in common: firstly, they all live in the farthest-flung corners of the planet and, secondly, they are all three determined to see on TV the final in Japan of the 2002 World Cup between Germany and Brazil. The protagonists in this 'global' comedy are: a family of Mongolian nomads, a camel caravan of Tuareg in the Sahara, and a group of Indios in the Amazon. They all live about 500 kilometres away from the next town – and the next television – making their task a particularly daunting one. Nevertheless, these inventive people possess the resourcefulness and the willpower to achieve their goal.
The movie is in Kazajo (Mongolia), Tamashek (Niger), Tupi (Brasil), with subtitles in English. Running time is 91 minutes. For more information about this movie Click here!
Peter Frei
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Speak out Holland! (no.4)
As every 6th of the month, everybody is invited to go off topic here. Comment about anything that is bothering you, but do it in a civilized manner! I will delete obvious lies and offensive comments. To read previous comments under this category, click on “Speak Out Holland” on the left of this blog under the heading “Categories.”Peter Frei
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Joan O’Brien worst person of the month!
I think most of the readers would agree that government is failing all around us. The Holland Blog will single out officials who don’t do their job and declare them the “worst person” of the month/year. Both the state and federal government have adopted “Right to Know” laws to enable the public to acquire information about the operation of their government. As noted on bulletins from the Massachusetts Public Records Division, “access to public records ensures public involvement, and participation and provides a mechanism for holding government accountable for their decisions and actions.” The federal Right-to-Know law is called the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The state Right-to-Know law is called the Massachusetts Public Records Laws. Federal agencies only have to comply with the provisions of the FOIA. State, municipal, and county governments only have to comply with the provisions of the Massachusetts Public Records Laws. When the Holland Blog initiated a request to get a copy of a report about an investigation by the state police into a larceny implicating Kevin Gleason, Gleason was still our Chief of Police. As the readers know, Gleason resigned back on May 4, 2009. However, the Holland Blog is still pursuing the request (it falls under Right-to-Know Laws) despite Gleason’s resignation. Currently Joan O’Brien, Associate Chief Legal Counsel for the State Police, has arbitrarily refused to grant the request of the Holland Blog to provide this public record. In her initial answer letter to the public record request O’Brien stated that the request was to vague about the time when the investigation took place implying that her Department would have the right to “charge for the costs associated with researching, copying, and assembling the required information.” The law is quite clear on this matter. She cannot charge any fees associated with researching copying and assembling the requested information. She can charge $1.00 per page, as the Holland Blog informed her in its second letter. Joan O’Brien, then changed her tactic in her second letter and altogether denied the request for the public record by now claiming an exemption.Her claim to the exemption mentioned in her second letter justifying her denial of the request is equally misconceived as her first evasive maneuver.
What is wrong with these officials?
She must be a lawyer doing the same routine all day long and does not know? As a lawyer, she is charged with “knowing the law,” and then there is also the oath of office she took….
The Holland Blog filed an
appeal to Alan Cote, Supervisor of Public Records Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
The Holland Blog declares herewith Joan O’Brien, Associate Chief Legal Counsel of the Office of the Chief Legal Counsel, Department of the State Police, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to the worst person of the month of June. To read any of the documents, click on any term printed in bold italic. Every term printed in bold italic in the main section of the Holland Blog is a link!
Peter Frei
Read also:
Officials still cover Chief Kevin Gleason.6 Comments - Edit - Delete
Wanted, Lake Siog Photos.
I am a Park Ranger, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, looking for old photos (pre-1960s) of the Holland Pond- Lake Siog Area for an exhibit to be created this summer at our park. Photos could be scanned and returned. Thank you,
Glenna Vitello
Park Ranger
East Brimfield Lake
24 Riverview Ave
Fiskdale, MA 01518-1243
Tel. 978-318-8412
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Happy Birthday to You!
It seems too early to be thinking about fall, but the truth is the days are already getting shorter. Before we know it that crisp smell will fill the air and the leaves will dazzle us again with an amazing color display that is one of New England’s attractions. It is the time when some of us mistakenly assume that someone left the lights on upstairs at the town hall. The empty parking lot seems to indicate that carelessness by the last one to leave the town hall is costing the taxpayer unnecessarily, as nobody seems to be inside. Who ever thinks that way is wrong, very wrong. Someone is actually still inside, someone who is also celebrating a birthday today; find out who it is, read more»2 Comments - Edit - Delete
Who is ditching who?
Early afternoon last Wednesday, the Board of Selectmen had another meeting nobody knew about, read more»2 Comments - Edit - Delete
Both the MA and CT portions of Hamilton Reservoir will be chemically treated
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