50,000 Page Views!

Time to celebrate.....
The Holland Blog went online for the first time at 13:30 hours on Saturday February 14, 2009. Today, at exactly 20:40 hours, the Holland Blog was viewed 50,000 times (page views or hits).
The Holland Blog has on an average day more visitors than the Worcester Telegram has subscriptions in Holland (90), and also more than the Southbridge Evening News (32) has subscriptions. The record so far was 410 viewers on Sunday May 10, 2009. The minimum over the last 45 days was 63 visitors on Saturday June 13, 2009.
The page view count 50,000 originated at IP number, which is an IP number signed up with ISP Cox Communications that uses Cable/DSL connections out of Stafford Springs.
I would like to share one of my favorite YouTube videos with the readers of the Holland Blog to celebrate this special occasion:
Elena Lev performing with Hula Hoops in Alegria, Cirque du Soleil. Singers are Francesca Gagnon and Eve Montpetit. What you see, I call PERFECTION!

Thanks to everybody participating on the Holland Blog and thereby improving the quality of life in our community!
Peter Frei

Posted on 19 Jun 2009, 20:53 - Category: The Town Common
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Continuation of the 2009 Annual Town Meeting.

An estimated 60 voters attended the continuation of the annual town meeting that had begun back on May 26, 2009. All budget questions and one article were on the agenda as well as an introduction on the Senior Housing Project, read more»

Posted on 19 Jun 2009, 10:53 - Category: Town Politics
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Selectboard Meeting of June 16, 2009.

Last night the selectboard met the second time this month, read more»

Posted on 17 Jun 2009, 13:24 - Category: Board Of Selectmen
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Ex Police Chief Gleason before Federal Grand Jury?

According to information obtained by the Holland Blog, Kevin Gleason, Former Chief of Police of the town of Holland, allegedly followed a subpoena to appear before a Federal Grand Jury. "Smith-&-Wesson-hand-gun." The Grand Jury allegedly convened last Tuesday, June 9, 2009, in the United States District court for the District of Massachusetts in Springfield.
Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)
prohibits the government from revealing “a matter occurring before the grand jury.” This prohibition covers the content of Federal Grand Jury testimony. But it goes much further. The government cannot even reveal that a certain individual appeared before the Federal Grand Jury or that a certain individual had been subpoenaed or scheduled to appear. Gleason was a gun nut. On one occasion, Gleason proudly showed his license to carry a machine gun to a woman on their first date.
Kevin P. Gleason allegedly bought eight new hand guns, five of which were intended for the Holland Police Department. The remaining three hand guns he allegedly sold privately keeping the money for himself. It should be easy to indict and convict Gleason based on the alleged evidence. The former Chief allegedly carried the paperwork establishing proof of the illegal gun sale in his cruiser where it was allegedly secured into evidence during the execution of a seize and search warrant.
Besides state law violations, the selling of handguns without a dealer’s license is a Federal Crime under Title 26 U.S.C. carrying a prison sentence of up to 10 years and/or up to $10,000 in fines. See Title 26 U.S.C. s.5871.
Earl Johnson and James Wettlaufer promoted Gleason to the Chief position back in July 2002, and reappointed Gleason repeatedly despite his involvement in several lawsuits. Earl Johnson had a personal relationship with Gleason and was seen on a regular basis driving with Gleason in the Dodge Police Cruiser with the tinted windows to Hooyas in Brimfield for breakfast and lunch.
Other posts on the Holland Blog about Kevin Gleason and the town officials which protected him for many years, click on any link:
Ex Chief Gleason investigated
Officials still cover Chief Kevin Gleason
Police Chief Kevin Gleason resigned under duress.
Riddle (no.2)
Riddle (no.1)
The “Victory” claimed by Gleason & Wettlaufer comes at a hefty Price for the Taxpayer
Oops !!
Peter Frei

Posted on 14 Jun 2009, 13:39 - Category: Town Politics
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Petition against proposed Truck Stop

An increasing number of Holland residents realize the enormity of the possible negative impact a Truck Stop could have on our community. Scott Bousquet called the Holland Blog this morning with an update on the Petition against the Truck Stop.
Scott and his wife Lori collected signatures of residents that question the proposed Flying J Inc. Truck Stop. The Bosquet’s will present the Petition to the Board of Selectmen at the upcoming meeting next Tuesday June 16, at 19:00 hours at the town hall. Scott and Lori would like to invite everybody to attend the meeting to show their support for the cause.
Other posts on the Holland Blog on this subject:
A Truck Stop in our Community?
Sturbridge Voters Not As Smart As Holland Voters?
Peter Frei

Posted on 11 Jun 2009, 16:19 - Category: Town Politics
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Screening of the movie “XXY”

If you don’t have any plans for tomorrow evening June 11, and you like a good flick, I might just have the right tip for you... Library Box Office presents independent and foreign film series at the Jacob Edwards Library. “Alex-(Ines-Efron)-and-her-father-(Ricardo-Darin)”The screenings start at 18:00 hours in the Pioppi room at 236 Main Street in Southbridge once a month and are free of charge!

The Argentinean movie “XXY” [Adult], is the story about 15 year old Alex who confronts adolescence. Alex (Ines Efron,) does not just face the usual choices and life decisions, Alex's choices and decisions are monumental as she/he was born an intersex child. As Alex begins to explore her sexuality, her mother invites friends from Buenos Aires to come for a visit at their house on the gorgeous Uruguayan shore, along with their 16-year-old son Álvaro (Martin Piroyanski.) Alex is immediately attracted to the young man, which adds yet another level of complexity to her personal search for identity, and forces both families to face their worst fears.
The movie is in Spanish with subtitles in English and won 12 awards! Running time is 91 minutes. For more information about this movie click here!
Peter Frei

Posted on 10 Jun 2009, 11:19 - Category: Things To Do
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Public Hearing on June 23, 2009

Holland Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing
The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 23, 2009 at 8:45 pm in the Holland Town Hall, 27 Sturbridge Rd., Holland, MA. The purpose of the hearing is to consider a request from Mike Brady for a Special Permit according to Bylaw Sect. 7. Relief requested: Renovate first floor & Add a second story. Petitioner's property located at 3 Wall St. Parcel ID # R11-B-02
Sarto G. Caron, Chairperson Zoning Board of Appeals

Posted on Jun 9, 2009, 12:36 - Category: Legal Notices
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2009 Annual Town Election Results

A total of 205 voters made the annual trip to the town hall to exercise their constitutional right to participate in forming the government of their community. Re-elected Library Trustee Janet Mullins is the most popular town official with 176 votes this year; Earl Johnson is the most unpopular elected town official this year. Only the two positions where there was an actual contest attracted less votes because the votes were divided among the opposing candidates. read more»

Posted on 9 Jun 2009, 10:12 - Category: Town Politics
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This day 173 months ago...

There are only two days left until the annual town election this coming Monday. Whoopi Goldberg said once:
”You've got to vote for someone. It's a shame, but it's got to be done.” Read more»

Posted on 6 Jun 2009, 10:59 - Category: Town Politics
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Speak out Holland! (no.3)

As every 6th of the month, everybody is invited to go off topic here. Comment about anything that is bothering you, but do it in a civilized manner! I will delete obvious lies and offensive comments. To read previous comments under this category, click on “Speak Out Holland” on the left of this blog under the heading “Categories.”
Peter Frei

Posted on 6 Jun 2009, 00:01 - Category: Speak Out Holland
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Grand Opening, June 12th!

Dick and Rick Hoyt are a legend in their own right. Watching videos and reading about the “Team Hoyt,” I had teary eyes more than once. Dick, Richard E. Hoyt, bought a summer cottage on 241 Mashapaug Road back in 1983. He is a retired Lt. Colonel, having served the country in the Air National Guard for 37 years. Dick is not just a father, he is a truly remarkable man. To learn what his latest plans are and what the Grand Opening is all about, click here!»

Posted on 5 Jun 2009, 11:58 - Category: The Town Common
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