Worth’s Upside Down Show and the PEG channels in Wales.

Wales has a public access channel, Channel 5. Everybody has the right to request airtime on Channel 5, the Public Access Channel of the PEG Channels. Requests are granted on a “first come first serve” basis. The Holland Blog was on Dave Worth‘s Upside Down Show on February 5, 2010.
Find out how the Board of Selectmen tried to censor the show and why Holland does not have a Public Access Channel, or watch the unedited video of the entire Show,
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Selectboard Meeting of February 2, 2010.
Sorry for not putting up this post earlier. On February 2, the selectboard met for the first time this month, read more»Leave a comment - Edit - Delete
Earl and the Crow.
Video is 15.362MB and runs 3:42 minutes.Please click Please click here to view the video with an old browser»
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Earl Johnson is true to himself and clings to familiar lie in his final hour.

Earl Johnson broke the good news late yesterday.
However, he fell short again of taking responsibility like a man,
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Members of the Holland selectboard tried to bully members of the selectboard of Wales.
Different people informed me that members of the Holland Board of Selectmen tried to bully the selectboard of Wales into censoring Dave Worth’s Upside Down Show.I introduced the Holland Blog to the viewers of the Upside Down Show last Friday and talked about Johnson Landgate and other dark secrets about members of the Holland selectboard.
Dave’s show is repeated three times every day on the Charter cable network in Wales and Brimfield until tonight when Dave will air his new show.
Surprised about the numerous call-ins, Dave Worth announced that he would invite me back to be a guest again soon. Dave’s announcement must have scared some officials in Holland.
I will post the show here on the Holland Blog. I need to solve a technical problem first which has to do with installing a streaming server that can handle a video that is 110 minutes long. I intend to post the video in its un-edited entire length.
According to Google Analytics, Johnson Landgate is drawing a lot of attention, just yesterdeay the report about Johnson Landgate has been viewed 13 times by 12 unique visitors. Every visitor spent an average of 16:34 minutes reading the report! (See line number 6 in the Google report). The report shows partial URL’s; for instance on line 70 you will find:
The complete URL would read like this:
This is the URL for the piece, “Homes built by the Johnson's, illegal!”
Yesterday 172 readers viewed 462 pages and spent a total of 19 hours and 7 minutes reading the Holland Blog.
Click here, to read part of the extensive report Google provides about the traffic to the Holland Blog every day.
Peter Frei
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Speak out Holland! (no.11)
As every 6th of the month, everybody is invited to go of topic here. Do you have any questions, suggestions? Comment about anything that is amusing you or anything that is bothering you, but do it in a civilized manner! I will delete obvious lies and offensive comments. To read previous comments under this category, click on “Speak Out Holland” on the left of this blog under the heading “Categories.”Peter Frei
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Is there Blood in Stones?
The answer is a clear “YES” if you believe Wettlaufer’s logic.Today, exactly two years ago, February 5, 2008, the voters of Holland came out in droves to overwhelmingly defeat the selectboard’s proposal for a tax levy override. Disappointed Wettlaufer stated in an interview with John Appleton from the Republican:
“You can't get blood out of a stone. We have to make reductions in services.”
I have not noticed any reductions in services but witnessed more frivolous litigation initiated by the selectboard. It seems to me that the Board has still too much money; enough to still waste tens of thousands.
After losing the argument that “laMountain is not a farmer” in Housing Court the town recently filed another lawsuit against LaMountain with a different twist; they now claim fires on the LaMountain farm would jeopardize public safety. James LaMountain may not win a popularity contest in town; under the law however he has equal rights to be protected.
Wettlaufer seem to share Karen Raymond’s fear her house could go up in flames and hired Super Lawyer Tani Sapirstein to seek an injunction to enjoin LaMountain from conducting any burns.
Later today, the honorable Cornelius J. Moriarty, Superior Court Judge, will convene for the third time to proceed with the evidentiary hearing in the matter.
Is it a waste of money or is it worth it? Please watch the video and decide for your self:
On a rare occasion, it had only happened three times before 2008 in the entire state of Massachusetts, a town lowered its levy limit. The Board of Selectmen during Jim Foley’s tenure was one of the only three town governments doing so. In 1998, the Board of Selectmen proposed a $200,000 underride that was welcomed by the voters.
To show their gratitude, the voters of Holland recalled Foley twice...
Peter Frei
Read also:
Insanity.Tax levy limit override vote.
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Annual Town Meeting and Election Calendar 2010.
The town clerk of Holland just released the ANNUAL TOWN MEETING AND ELECTION CALENDAR 2010, to read the document, Click here!Peter Frei
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What is going on at Lake Siog?

Did you notice the big piles of logs and wondered what is going on at Pond Bridge Road? Read more»
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Wettlaufer’s BIG GUN pleads “Public Safety.”
Last Thursday, January 28, 2010, the three members of the Board of Selectmen, James Wettlaufer, Earl Johnson, and Christian Petersen, did what they do best; wasting money by litigating void cases.Bully Wettlaufer hired “Big Gun” Super Lawyer Tani Sapirstein to replace Super Lawyer Nancy Pelletier. Super Lawyer Nancy Pelletier lost her last case for the town of Holland in the Appeals Court of the Commonwealth. Super Lawyers have typically an hourly rate of $350.00- to $650.00. What happened to our town counsel Vincent McCaughey? Not good enough? The showdown against the LaMountain family and Northeast Concepts Inc. will continue in Superior Court today, Monday February 1, 2010. Read more»
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Stay Home!

If you don’t need to go anywhere urgent tonight, stay home!
This is a picture taken at 18:28 hours from the bridge that goes over Interstate 84 at Exit 74 looking westbound towards Hartford, CT.
Notice that there is hardly any traffic going westbound...
Peter Frei
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