Worth’s Upside Down Show and the PEG channels in Wales.

"DVD-with-Dave-Wort’s-Upside-Down-Show." Little do residents of Holland know how much better the political climate and sense of community in the neighboring town of Wales is.

Wales has a public access channel, Channel 5. Everybody has the right to request airtime on Channel 5, the Public Access Channel of the PEG Channels. Requests are granted on a “first come first serve” basis. The Holland Blog was on Dave Worth‘s Upside Down Show on February 5, 2010.

Find out how the Board of Selectmen tried to censor the show and why Holland does not have a Public Access Channel, or watch the unedited video of the entire Show, read more»

Posted on 16 Feb 2010, 01:34 - Category: The Town Common
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Selectboard Meeting of February 2, 2010.

Sorry for not putting up this post earlier. On February 2, the selectboard met for the first time this month, read more»

Posted on 15 Feb 2010, 23:43 - Category: Board Of Selectmen
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Earl and the Crow.

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