New Open Meeting Law Takes Effect July First.

    Changes to the Open Meeting Law Effective July 1, 2010:
  1. New requirements for certifications and other documentation to keep on file. (These requirements will likely pertain to the Town Clerk’s Office.)
  2. 48 hour notice – still required, but now cannot count Saturdays, Sundays or holidays. (Example: Monday night meeting must be posted before Thursday night.)
  3. Notices must (1) include a list of topics the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed (i.e., agenda), and (2) be posted in or on a municipal building to be visible to public at all hours. (Having meetings posted on the Town Website does NOT bring officials into compliance. Town Officials must have a posting board attached to the OUTSIDE of Town Hall!)
  4. Emails are expressly included in definition of “deliberation” (must be in open session), but discussion of agendas, scheduling information or reports to be discussed at next meeting is permitted.
  5. Attendance by a quorum at a location will not constitute a “meeting” if it is not the intention of the board/commission to conduct business and no deliberations occur. (For example, attending a conference, social event or a meeting of another municipal board is acceptable, as long as no discussions ensue regarding board/committee issues.)
  6. Minutes must contain more detailed information in addition to “date, place, time and matters discussed,” they shall include summaries of matters discussed, and a list of documents used, all decisions made/votes taken.
  7. “Minutes” shall also include “documents and other exhibits, such as photographs, recordings or maps used by the body at an open or executive session and along with the minutes, be part of the official record of the session.”
  8. Remote participation (conference call, audio or video conferencing) will likely be allowed by regulation or letter ruling of the Attorney General. (However, a quorum of the body will have to be present and the meeting cannot be chaired via audio or video conferencing).
  9. All persons serving on a public body must receive a copy of the Open Meeting Law and related regulations and must submit receipt of same to the Town Clerk within two weeks of appointment.
  10. Citizens making complaints of Open Meeting Law violations must file written complaints with the governmental body first. The governmental body then submits a reply to the complainant and the Attorney General’s Office.
Peter Frei

Read also:

Open and accountable Government.
Record Keeping at the Planning Board.

Posted on 29 Jun 2010, 22:44 - Category: Town Politics
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A Big Change

After 15 years in business Sullivan and Wallace is closing its doors. I have already moved on to join Keller Williams who are opening a new office on Rt 131 in Sturbridge. I am excited about this move, it is a great company with a lot to offer, I will now be able to devote all my time doing what I love, working with people to help them make the huge decisions of buying and selling Real Estate.

I can still be reached on the same cell # and email address, I look forward to hearing from you and working with you in the future.

Karen Wallace
Brimfield. MA 01010
413 531 2181

Posted on 27 Jun 2010, 09:45 - Category: The Town Common
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Hungry ?

The-Best-Salami-Grinder-from-Holland-Market. If you never had a grinder from the Holland Market, you are missing out! The grinders are made fresh according to your likings.
On the top to the right is one of my favorites; Genoa Salami with Provolone cheese, onions, lettuce, pickles and mayonnaise.
The-Best-Turkey-Grinder-from-Holland-Market. On the bottom to the right is a Turkey grinder with mayonnaise, onions, lettuce, tomato and provolone cheese.
You can create your own grinder for about 50 cents per inch; that’s correct! The shown 12 inch grinders are only $6.05 a piece and worth every penny.
Peter Frei

Posted on 22 Jun 2010, 14:44 - Category: The Town Common
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Chief Arvol Looking Horse on Upside Down Show.


Last night, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, his family, and Troy W. Phillips, state Commissioner for Indian Affairs, were on Dave Worth’s Upside Down Show on the Wales Community Channel.

Chief Looking Horse is the Chief of the First Nation, the Lakota Dakota Nakota Oyate, the great Sioux Nation, and the keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe in the 19th Generation.

To learn more about this remarkable man and where you can meet him during the next two days click here»

Posted on 19 Jun 2010, 11:15 - Category: The Town Common
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Both the MA and CT portions of Hamilton Reservoir will be chemically treated Fan-boat-distributing-chemicals-into-Hamilton-Reservoir,-(Holland-Blog-archive-picture) on Thursday, June 17th. The entire lake will be closed to all uses (including, swimming, fishing and boating) on the day of treatment only. Use of the lake water for irrigation, watering livestock (ie; cattle, horses, etc) and drinking/ cooking purposes is prohibited for five days, commencing on the day of treatment. The work is being performed for the Hamilton Reservoir Association under contract to Aquatic Control Technology, Inc., of Sutton, MA., and pursuant to permits from MA and CT DEP’s and the Holland Conservation Commission.

Posted on 15 Jun 2010, 20:00 - Category: The Town Common
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Speak out Holland! (no.15)

This time I missed the 6th of the month because of the elections. However, everybody is invited to go of topic here a few days too late. Do you have any questions or suggestions? Comment about anything that is amusing you or about anything that is bothering you, but do it in a civilized manner! I will delete obvious lies and offensive comments. To read previous comments under this category, click on “Speak Out Holland” on the left of this blog under the heading “Categories.”
Peter Frei

Posted on 11 Jun 2010, 00:01 - Category: Speak Out Holland
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Holland’s Mrs. Goodhall.

This is a reminder that the burial with military honors for John Goodhall who passed away February 18th at the age of 84 will be at the Holland Cemetery, Holland, Massachusetts on the June 12th. It is at 1:00 PM and then there will be a gathering with refreshments at the Senior Center immediately following the service.
Corinne Goodhall, his wife of 62 years, along with Ruth his daughter and his son Jack will be in attendance at the service as well as friends and relatives to pay their respect to a man who was a Veteran and Sergant of World War II and was decorated with the purple heart for his injuries prior to the Battle of the Bulge.
Anyone who grew up in the 50’s and 60’s in Holland remember Mrs. Goodhall, John’s wife, (my mother would be upset if I didn’t address her properly), as the second and 3rd grade teacher at the Holland Elementary School for many years..
Mrs. Goodhall graduated from Willimantic State Teachers College in 1947 and John & Corinne married that December 6th. She started teaching in Holland in 1961 and had been teaching in CT prior to that. She retired in 1980 when she and John moved to Breezy Knoll in West Dennis to run their cottage business.
Mrs. Goodhall was an exceptional teacher and put her students first. I use to help my dad after school was out cleaning the rooms and Mrs. Goodhall was one of the few teachers who was always there into dinner time correcting papers, and planning her lessons for the next day for her students. When you walked into her classroom you could see an immediate difference from most of the rooms, hers was full of projects and activities her students were involved in. If there was a holiday it was evident by all the decorations her students made for the classroom. Times were different then. Mrs. Goodhall wasn’t just a teacher to the kids who went through her class but a second parent to Holland’s children as well. She looked after us whether we were in school or not.
Her daughter Ruth told me the other day that between her mom teaching in Holland and her dad having the bus business that transported all the kids to school it was difficult for us to get into trouble. As Ruth said all the town’s folks looked out for the kids back then, but the difference with Mrs. Goodhall was that she knew each and everyone of us by name and took a personal interest in our well being. It was second nature to her.
We can never repay Mrs. Goodhall for the countless hours she put into her teaching and I hope the people of Holland who know and love her will attend the memorial service for her beloved husband John on Saturday, and will also take this rare opportunity to attend to pay their respects and honor this woman who helped mold a generation of Holland’s children. None of us will ever forget Holland’s Mrs. Goodhall.

Gerry Germaine
Hisgen House Bed & Breakfast
78 Hisgen Road
Holland, MA 01521

Posted on 10 Jun 2010, 10:45 - Category: The Town Common
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Peace, Love, and Understanding.

Back in the mid 90’s, I found Michael Judge’s cartoons stupid, today I realize that Judge’s cartoons were simply ahead of their time.

“Peace, Love, and Understanding,” is an epitome of American Culture and meant as comic-relief for those readers who share my disappointment about the outcome of Monday’s election.
Peter Frei

Posted on 10 Jun 2010, 01:53 - Category: The Town Common
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Accident on Mashapaug Road near Holland Market.

Car-accident-on-Mashapaug-Road There is little known, the accident has nothing to do with the Holland Market or traffic to or from the Holland Market according to the owner.
The accident happened around 8:40 a.m. on Tuesday, June 8, 2010. State Police, Brimfield Ambulance and Holland Police and Fire Department were called. The road was closed in both directions for a short period of time.
R.J., thanks for emailing me the picture!
Peter Frei

Posted on 9 Jun 2010, 15:12 - Category: The Town Common
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Kennedy, Johnson, and Talbot won!

The majority of Holland voters voted for corruption;

Michael P. Kennedy 282; Ray Korny 231,
Brian Johnson 359; George Carling 175,
Nancy Talbot 278; Lynn Arnold 235.

I think nobody can help Holland,

Peter Frei

Posted on 7 Jun 2010, 20:23 - Category: Town Politics
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Please don’t forget to vote today, it is important!

Brian-Johnson-campaign-sign-on-Brimfield-Road I predict that Raymond Korny will defeat Michael Kennedy and that George Carling will defeat Brian Johnson by a narrow margin.

A re-election of Brian Johnson would allow the roadways of Holland to fall further into disrepair.
Brian Johnson’s lack of knowledge how to proper maintain roads will eventually have a devastating effect to the transportation infrastructure of the town.

An interview published in the Southbridge Evening News brought to light that Brian Johnson has nothing to show for other than good intentions for the future.
Do you remember smelling hot tar around town during the summer months more than ten years ago? What happened? Why do we not smell that anymore? Read more»

Posted on 7 Jun 2010, 03:09 - Category: Town Politics
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