Wales Fish & Game Club 2011 Annual Pork Roast.

The Wales Fish & Game Club had its Annual Pork Roast yesterday. We got there around half past noon. First I helped with the fire which needed help; all the rain left the wood wet and hard to burn. The rain at least stayed away for the entire afternoon. There was more food than attendees could ever eat; Leon Givner started the long process of roasting the pork the evening before and stayed up all night to have it ready by noon yesterday; no wonder that he was tired..

The buffet included besides the pork roast, tossed salad, cole slaw, baked potatoes, baked beans, corn on the cop, applesauce, and drinks. For desserts, attendees were treated with apple pie, fudge, and brownies.
Elizabeth-with-her-necklace-donated-for-the-raffle The club also sold tickets for a raffle; among the many prizes was a beautiful necklace with matching ear rings made and donated by Julie’ Jewels’ Elizabeth Johnson. Elizabeth is not only crafting her own jewelry, she is also a seamstress and will sew anything from custom dresses to curtains. She can be reached at 413-315-3110.

About 35 adults and kids enjoyed the scenic setting which features two ponds in front of the club house. Thanks Leon for your efforts in organizing this enjoyable event. It is disappointing not to see more people attending this event.

By the time the fire was burning hot it was time to go home and the fire had to be extinguished. Some of the friends I made a year ago were back again and it is just amazing what happens to time… it felt like I was just there a few weeks ago.

Peter Frei

Wales Fish & Game Club 2010 Annual Pork Roast.

Posted on 25 Sep 2011, 09:12 - Category: Things To Do
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