Its Official Now; Brian Haughey New Chief of Police.
Our community has a five year window of opportunity to establish and support a police force that ultimately will serve our community with integrity, and not their superiors in ex-change for job security, read more»Edit - Delete
Posted on 28 Jun 2011, 8:25 by WettlauferSucks!
Wettlauffer was re-elected and unapossed because: Who wants to step in the shit he just stepped out of? I'm sure if he was about to lose his seat He'd damn well leave a awful mess for the next guy to sit in. Remember what kind of a pig this guy is..
Posted on 28 Jun 2011, 9:05 by Duh
Politicians are like diapers. They need to be changed once in awhile cause they get dirty. Wettlaufer is that dirty diaper, only has his interests in mind. He thinks he is the king of holland. If he's not directly benefiting from something($$$$) then it ain't gonna happen. The reason he runs unopposed is because everyone has witnessed the retaliation that any candidate who has ever opposed him had to face.