If it aint broke, don't fix it

From: Mr.fixit To: The Holland Blog
There is an old slogan that many new englanders have used for years. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Well, it is broke, and it has to be fixed. What is broken is the trust in Holland’s government. There are too many obvious illegalities that have taken place over the years. Government is supposed to be “by the people for the people,” not “by some people for some people.” I have known Peter Frei for many years. Besides being extremely intelligent, Peter is exceedingly headstrong and very persistent. He is honest, aboveboard, and courageous. When Peter first bought the land he lives on in Holland, he had problems with town officials. He asked “how can they do these things to me?” “Do they have laws to protect me in this country?” I advised him to get a lawyer. Much to my surprise, Peter represented himself. After hours and hours of study by himself at the law library in Springfield, Peter was able to get his cases heard. Sure it cost the town of Holland some taxpayers money, but in the long run, Peter will be seen as the hero that saved the town. It is ironic that a Swiss man would save Holland. This man deserves more than thanks. He deserves a key to the town and a parade. He is a true American. Single handed, Peter started this movement. Now this blog has made him the Pied Piper of Holland.
Guess who started this blog? VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Speak up! Clean up!

Posted on 15 May 2009, 22:29 - Category: Town Politics
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