Annual Town Meeting of 2009
Don’t forget the Annual Town Meeting next Tuesday, May 26 at the Elementary School!There is not much exiting stuff on the Warrant (click on “Warrant” to open and read the Warrant. If you see a word in bold/italic in the main section on this blog it is always a link you can click on to see the document ect.)
This might be of interest to some of you:
ARTICLE #25 To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen to enter into an option to lease and enter into a subsequent lease for nominal consideration, the land adjacent to the Senior Center for Senior Housing, or act anything thereto.
The Annual Town Election will take place on Monday June 8, 2009, form 10:00 -20:00 hours at the town hall.
Peter Frei
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Posted on 21 May 2009, 22:24 by Inhabitant of HollandJohnsonGate
Wow the town had 12 acres of perfectly good landlocked land off stafford road. Then Earl took it for his kids and waved a magic wand over the town boards to build on the unbuildable land.
Now what if Earl would have done it for the townspeople he is elected to represent......???... instead of for Brian and the Johnson Boys. We would not be leasing the land for the elders. We would still have it.
Thank you Johnson Clan for taking our land.
By the way who owns the land the town wants to lease? Grossi?? Cormier?? Dorris Proulx???? Maybe Mr West who is an undercover Johnson in law?
I am sure Peety has his body in this cookie jar too.
Posted on 21 May 2009, 23:12 by Mike LaMountain
If you can you should
If you are able to go you should. If for no other reason than to show your fed up with "boss hog" and his thieving ways. Your vote really does count!