There is a growing number of residents that start to realize the tragic consequences a truck stop would bring to our community. I just received the following email minutes ago:Subject: Petition for Truck Stop
Hi Peter, Not sure if you have received this petition or not, but thought it worthy of passing on to you. We need 250 signatures by June 1st please see what you can do and mail what you collect to: Chris McCooe, 13 Lake Ridge Rd, Holland, Ma. 01521
Thank you Peter-
Mary Sears, 12 Roberts Park Rd., Holland, MA. 01521
Attached is a petition to get a town vote on Truck Stop that is being proposed to the Town of Holland for the land on Mashapaug Rd., near Union, CT. We feel the voters should have a say. Please print out the attachment - we need at least 250 names, signatures in order to get a special town ballot. Please return to me by June 1st –
To view or print the Petition, click here!
To read more about the proposed truck stop, click on “Truck Stop “ under “Main Menu” on the left. Read also:A Truck Stop in our Community?
Sturbridge Voters Not As Smart As Holland Voters?
Peter Frei
Edit - Delete
Posted on 27 May 2009, 16:01 by Concerned Citizeneverybody needs to know
It has been days since I looked at the blog. Is that petition against the truck stop being made available in Holland pizza, Holland market and possibly even PJ's? Can flyers be sent home with the elementary school kids? Are registered voters being informed where they can go to sign a petition?
Posted on 29 May 2009, 23:09 by Freedom
the Future
With all the finacial problems in this town, you would like to find a way to bring money into the town, the truck stop would would not have a negative effect only possitive one, Jobs, Tax dollars, road repairs ect.
lets deal with theses people so it is to the towns benifit, use your head people !! stop living in the past. move on !!
Posted on 30 May 2009, 7:59 by Jim L
Road Repairs
Hello .. I like your post about how the truck stop will bring money for road repairs. Read the warrant on the town meeting and you will see that our selectmen have taken our Chapter 90 moneys for their own discretionary account.
Chapter 90 funds come from the state and are usually earmarked to repair roads. If we took the ch 90 funds and repaired and paved a private dirt road we would get even more chapter 90 funds the following year. The reason our roads are so torn up is the misappropriation of our road funds by Brian Johnson who turns the cash over to his corrupt father Selectman Earl Johnson. Our roads are being repaired with white spray paint and cold patch.
More corruption in Holland. The truck stop will not change that.
Posted on 1 Jun 2009, 22:44 by Peter Frei
You can write, do you read?
"Freedom," I appreciate your comment even so I disagree strongly. It is not that simple, please read my post "Sturbridge Voters Not As Smart As Holland Voters?" and comment what you think about my argument that the taxes will actually increase due to a truck stop if (god forbid) the truck stop will become reality.
To read the post click on, "Sturbridge Voters Not As Smart As Holland Voters?"
A group of involved residents is still collecting signatures for the petition in opposition of the truck stop. It is not over yet, please sign the petition too if you did not sign it yet!
Posted on 2 Jun 2009, 21:30 by United We Stand
town corruption
I believe it is not simple, but if the truck stop is going to happen, I am just saying we the people of the town should get some kind of benifit from it, sort of like Plamer with the Casino proposition. Road Repairs, you are correct as well the towns is in serious need of an overhaul. I think everyone agrees, a combiation of poor judgement, one sided views, lazidayical officials and bad business decisions have let the financial & political infrastructure of this town run a muck.