Just one of Earl Johnson‘s corrupt actions will cost the community $21,870 every year, indefinitely!
The quotation “The power to tax is the power to destroy,” comes from the words of DANIEL WEBSTER and those of JOHN MARSHALL, Justice of the Supreme Court.
In the landmark case, McCulloch v. Maryland, Justice Marshall opined: “An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy.”
This is what Earl Johnson is trying to do; the Board of Assessors under Earl Johnson increased my taxes from $6,828.99 (FY2009) to $11,532.34 (FY2010)! What would you do in my situation? Unfortunately, I‘m not the only one who looses, read more»
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Wales Town Hall; 2 Main Street New Address?
Town of Wales plans to move their Town Hall to Main Street location; lack of parking, no access for the disabled and many more short comings of the current location is forcing the change, read more»
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Nightly Search from the Sky.
Around 21:30 hours tonight, two residents called 911 and reported screams and the sound of breaking ice coming from the frozen lake down by the dam. First on the scene was a state Trooper followed by several members of the Holland Volunteer Fire Rescue Department only minutes later. Brimfield Ambulance and Holland Police followed.The response time for all the emergency personnel that were called-in was impressive, and is actually all the time very short!
If someone would fall through the ice, seconds could make the difference between life and death. Immediately after their arrival, the mostly young men and women ventured out on the ice into the darkness in an attempt to locate the person(s) in need. However, nobody was found.
About half an hour later, a helicopter — I believe stationed in Westfield — arrived and scanned the north end of Hamilton Reservoir near the dam with its powerfull search light. As far is I could tell, nothing was found and the possibility that someone could have pretended to be in a life threatening situation was an upsetting thought.
Just three days ago, the emergency personnel were called to rescue a large dog.
Peter Frei
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Taxed Enough??
Is money tight in your household? Are you paying more than your fair share?Sick of financing James Wettlaufer’s and Earl Johnson’s frivolous law suits?
Are you thinking about filing for Abatement?
If so, I have useful information for you,
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Holland’s Ice Not Safe Right Now.
Above normal temperatures and rain is making the ice cover of our lakes unsafe.Today, shortly after noon, a large Bullmastiff dog fell through the ice on Lake Siog, also called Holland Pond.
Holland Police and Holland Fire Rescue were called. The dog and his owner are fine.
Peter Frei
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Holland's most Lavish Christmas Decorations of Private Residences.
Do you know where the most spectacular displays are located here in Holland? Find out»Comments - Edit - Delete
Holland Grinch-Day.
(December 22, 2010)
is the thirtieth anniversary of the event that formed the legacy of one of Holland‘s former “leaders.”
December 22 is since known as
in memory of this event.
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Medical emergency on 10 Hisgen Road.
Today, around 14:35 hours a medical emergency call originating from 10 Hisgen Road in Holland was received at the dispatch office. The residence is the Johnson residence where ailing former selectman Earl Johnson lives.Pictured on the left, the Brimfield Ambulance at 14:44 hours rushing towards Exit 74 of I84 to proceed eastwards on I84 towards Harrington Memorial Hospital in Southbridge where the Ambulance arrived at 14:59 hours.
Peter Frei
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The Holland Sports Marina Auctioned Off Today.
You may have noticed the sign announcing a public auction by Aaron Posnik & Co., Inc., at the former Holland Marina off Mashapaug Road.
The auction took place today and gives testimony of what is going on in the real estate market,
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Got Propane?
Are you heating your home with Propane? There is a local company that is little known but offers the lowest prices, read more»
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Deer got lucky, Pickup Truck Driver hit Tree.
Around 8:30 this morning, Ted Beckner was driving towards the dam on Sturbridge Road with his pickup truck. A deer jumped out of the woods in front of Ted’s pickup truck. Ted’s maneuver to avoid the deer got out of control and he ended up against a tree. Ted fortunately avoided an utility pole just by inches.
The State Police was on the scene directing traffic. The Holland Fire Department was assisting the recovery operation as well.
Fortunately nobody was hurt and Ted is carrying collision insurance on his truck.
Peter Frei
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