Just one of Earl Johnson‘s corrupt actions will cost the community $21,870 every year, indefinitely!

The quotation “The power to tax is the power to destroy,” comes from the words of DANIEL WEBSTER and those of JOHN MARSHALL, Justice of the Supreme Court.
In the landmark case, McCulloch v. Maryland, Justice Marshall opined: “An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy.”
This is what Earl Johnson is trying to do; the Board of Assessors under Earl Johnson increased my taxes from $6,828.99 (FY2009) to $11,532.34 (FY2010)! What would you do in my situation? Unfortunately, I‘m not the only one who looses, read more»

Posted on 10 Jan 2011, 1:23 - Category: The Town Common
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Posted on 10 Jan 2011, 9:47 by Mike LaMountain
No Farms No Food
Glad to here your going to be a farmer Peter! I'm sure at one point in time someone else probably farmed your property as well. I'm sure Jim Wetflower and his "gang" will have no problems spending other peoples money (taxpayers) to punish you for being a farm. Fortunately for you this country was founded by farmers and when they made the laws they made them to protect you from people like "evil Earl" and the "wetflower gang".

They say when the fuel shortages that are going to be here soon happen after only 3 days without deliveries there will be no food in the grocery store. On that day all those who believe that the food magically appears at the grocery store will be begging you for a meal.

I'm a firm believer that those "nimby" bastards that fight the farms should not be allowed to eat anything that they did not produce themselves. All the rest, we farmers will do our best and fight our hardest to make sure that there IS a local food supply to feed you. Until then you just keep bashing the farmer.


Posted on 18 Jan 2011, 24:17 by JDW
What goes around comes around!
Well it looks like it's payback time Peter cuz Earl Johnson is OUT OF COMMISSION and AWAY AWAY from harming anyone anymore. He's been in a in a nursing home for quite awhile away from everyone in Holland who he can no longer hurt. Karma!!!!!!

Posted on 18 Jan 2011, 24:23 by TOH
Thrilled to Hear
Wow is it true - Earl Johnson's finally no longer around. Yippee!!! I'm so relieved.....

Posted on 19 Jan 2011, 6:40 by Who is paying
Mrs Johnson looking for a replacement?
Great news. Now the other residents in the nursing home can be bullied and victimized by this asshole. We are still left with the demons spawn in our town. You can be sure the taxpayers will pay Earl beyond the grave and Theresa will milk us for Earl's undeserved pension. As long as EJ draws air he will be an evil presence to those around him.

Posted on 19 Jan 2011, 6:40 by Who is paying
Mrs Johnson looking for a replacement?
Great news. Now the other residents in the nursing home can be bullied and victimized by this asshole. We are still left with the demons spawn in our town. You can be sure the taxpayers will pay Earl beyond the grave and Theresa will milk us for Earl's undeserved pension. As long as EJ draws air he will be an evil presence to those around him.

Posted on 19 Jan 2011, 7:01 by Legacy of a madman.
Too late for Holland
Earl has woven his corrupt vile spirit into the fabric of Holland and his corruption infests all departments in our town Govt. A long drawn out death is what he deserves. I can't wait for the day he is buried in Holland as I hope to be the first of a long line of people to piss on his grave.

Posted on 19 Jan 2011, 7:20 by jamie
i love this town haha!! i agree with all that is said

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