Swat Team Arrests Five Local Firefighters for Alleged Arson.
Five suspects, all Firefighters, including three from the Holland Fire Department (HFD), were arrested in connection with the recent Series of Arson Fires,
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Upside Down Show Special this Friday, September 4th.
Hello all,this Friday´s show is on live, Channel 5 Charter Communications, Cable TV, 3 Sept. 7 - 11PM, We should be all set up by 6pm, even if it rains, we will set up in the school auditorium. Keep an eye on the weather for hurricanes. The school is located in the center of Wales MA 01081. On Main St. (US Rt.19) there is no other school in Wales, easy to find. There will be free food and drinks for you and a place to put your equipment and dress if needed.We are a “last minute production” studio and will remain true to our name. Please come a little earlier then your show time. This should be a very good time. Bring lots of business cards to give out. Parking is in front of the school. Don´t forget to invite your friends and family. The below schedule times are not accurate, but a close proximity. There will be no rain date, this is it. If we get the hurricane here, we cancel and plan for a different date. If you need more time let me know. I will keep in touch by email with any changes.
Line up for The Upside Down Show, 3 Sept. 7PM-11:00 More like 10:30
7:00 Lynne Serrenho & Carole Walbert
7:05 Maggie the Clown (is on for the eveing)
7:15 Will Naylor
7:30 Hunter Foote
7:45 Jeremy Turgan & Raffle
8:00 David Worth (Upside Down) with Maggie the Clown
8:15 David Dupree & Jane (cameo appearance) Bowden & Raffle
8:30 Knock-a-Noodle Head Sisters & Raffle
9:00 Betr Without & Raffle
9:30 Raffle and close out songs Carole Walbert and guest.
All times may be adjusted.
Thanks again, and looking forward to seeing you. Leon, Kathy, Lynne, Wendy and David Worth
Read also:
Worth’s Upside Down Show and the PEG channels in Wales.Chief Arvol Looking Horse on Upside Down Show.
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Making the Dean’s List, a party to be remembered!
A twentyfour year old local young man of a well known family made the Dean’s list and was awarded a Certificate of Achievement for obtaining the highest honors at ITT Boston, read more»Comments - Edit - Delete
News and Announcements.
August 28th, 2010:Town wide tag sale starting at 8AM,
Library Book Sale Starting at 9AM,
Electronic Waste Collection at the School from 9AM to 2PM, and
Little League Car wash also at the school from 9AM to 2PM!
Hope to see you there!
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Gregory Grenier died.
This afternoon, 49 year old Gregory J Grenier was found dead at his home, at 35 Heritage Drive here in Holland. He was a builder and died on a self inflicted gunshot wound.Peter Frei
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Voters of Holland, HOW DO YOU FIND THEM?
Lynn Arnold and Fred Beaulieu above the law?? Read more»
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Make your party special!
Paul Minkley just bought his third Gyro Gym. Mounted on trailers, he will move one (or up to three) to your place to make your party special. If you live within 50 miles of Holland, Paul will spin you and your guests for 3-1/2 hours and all that for only $250 (for one Gyro Gym). Paul carries insurance if anything unexpected should happen (nothing did so far, but he is required by law to carry insurance).Paul can be reached to schedule a date by email at paulsgyrogym@aol.com or by phone at (413) 668-7109.
Peter Frei
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Live streaming video showing BP’s work on the bottom of the ocean in the Mexican Gulf.
Even so the BP oil spill is not local news, it will sooner or later affect us all. The scale of the catastrophic oil spill in the Mexican Gulf is beyond anybody’s comprehension.
Live video link from the ROVs monitoring the work 5,200 feet below the ocean.
Enterprise ROV2 (showing the leak between the 19” riser and the top hat cap, the best capture rate with this setup is about 17% at best):
Please be aware, these are live streams and may freeze or are unavailable from time to time.
Peter Frei
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Welcome Back!
Herb Duggan is back! During tonight’s meeting of the Board of Selectmen, acting chief of the Holland Police Department Brian Haughey made a request to have Herb Duggan appointed to serve on the force as part time Police Officer.
Herb Duggan served the HPD before but unfortunately resigned last year to take a full time position serving the Police Department of West Brookfield. The selectboard of West Brookfield appointed Herb Duggan back on June 15, 2009 to serve on the West Brookfield Police Department.
I'm glad you are back in Holland, welcome back Officer Duggan.
Peter Frei
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Nightly Blaze on Valley Drive.
It was not a Friday the 13th, nevertheless it happened on a 13th.
Today, July 13, around 3 a.m. a house on the south end of Valley Drive and north of Chandler Street caught on fire.
Valley Drive is the short private road to the left if you drive up Davidson Road on the north side of the parking lot to Team Hoyt’s Drive-in Restaurant. The fire rescue vehicles shown in the picture above are on Chandler Street.
The fire fighters were only able to prevent the fire from spreading, the house was a total loss.
Peter Frei
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