Welcome Back!
Herb Duggan is back! During tonight’s meeting of the Board of Selectmen, acting chief of the Holland Police Department Brian Haughey made a request to have Herb Duggan appointed to serve on the force as part time Police Officer.
Herb Duggan served the HPD before but unfortunately resigned last year to take a full time position serving the Police Department of West Brookfield. The selectboard of West Brookfield appointed Herb Duggan back on June 15, 2009 to serve on the West Brookfield Police Department.
I'm glad you are back in Holland, welcome back Officer Duggan.
Peter Frei
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Posted on 15 Jul 2010, 9:27 by XenophonWhat else is new
We are gonna watch this now... We all know they just hired Herbs buddy Cj. You guys better play nice and keep it clean.
Posted on 16 Jul 2010, 15:07 by There's one in every crowd..
Hey dreamboat! What is that comment pertain to!? Officer Duggan is a stand up guy and the new hire Charles is not too far behind! I don't
Know why I even give into you keyboard warriors!! all you do is go on here and make comments on Peters stories and put your own negative spin on it! Nice article Peter! I'm glad he's back also!
Posted on 16 Jul 2010, 17:01 by ME TOO!!!!
I am glad to see you back also Sgt. Shultz...