Trail Ride on Saturday, June 8th. 2013.

The Holland Trails Committee & Brimfield Trail Committee will be leading a Trail Ride on Saturday, June 8th (rain or shine). Meet at the kayak/canoe launch by the bridge on Pond Bridge Road in Holland.
9:30 safety & check & minor adjustments by a mechanic from Bicycle Concepts.
Ride: 10:00 - 12:00. About 10 miles (options for a shorter ride) mostly on trails, though a small part will be on little-traveled public roads.
Conditions: a few rough or sandy spots, but generally good. Helmets required. This is the 3rd ride we have sponsored. Come out and see what's been accomplished!
Richard Haller, Chairman Holland Trails Committee, 413 245-7745

Posted on 30 May 2013, 21:23 - Category: The Town Common
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