Selectboard Meeting of January 5, 2010.
The first meeting this month was also the first meeting off the New Year. One department asked already for permission to “deficit spend,” read more»Edit - Delete
Posted on 13 Jan 2010, 18:17 by Jim LaMountainembeded video
Nice touch Herr Frei. The Selectmen Johnson ans Wettlaufer did vote to destroy and not save any video of their meetings back in April of 2006. They did so because they were evidence of wrongdoing in a lawsuit the town was in.
So you should ask their permission before you start archiving the video of their staged productions on this blog. However I will say "well done" to you for doing what was needed to embed the video into the post.
Posted on 13 Jan 2010, 19:26 by Mike LaMountain
Thats oversight for yah
Thats oversight for you. Jim making sure Earl doesn't steal and Earl making sure Jim doesn't steal. Most towns have a five person selectboard just to make sure something like this doesn't happen. All you need on the Holland Selectboard is one friend and you control the town. Talk about oversight. Talk about bs. Majority rules Two people rule.