Ignorance by the taxpayer will be costly.

According to AICP (American Institute of Certified Planners), the statewide average is 0.7 pupils per household. The education of 0.7 pupils is costing the Holland property owner an average of $6381.00 in property taxes in the current fiscal year.
To understand and better the approach needed to disperse the cost of education even more favorable among the taxpayers, it is imperative to crunch some numbers and get familiar with some facts. Furthermore, it is necessary to analyze and question some of the actions and connections by certain members of our selectboard, read more»

Posted on 20 Aug 2009, 09:50 - Category: Town Politics
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Posted on 20 Aug 2009, 18:59 by Newbie to Holland
What next?
So if someone wants to do something to stop the truck stop, what should they do??

Posted on 20 Aug 2009, 21:14 by John Q
To Newbie
Hello Newbie...You should contact Mr Bousquet or Frei whose numbers are posted on this blog and together you can get volunteers to canvas the town next weekend for signatures. We need volunteers to be at all public places with the petition and also a group to go door to door collecting these signatures. We need phone numbers of those who sign so we can make sure we mobilize the voters for the town meeting.

Also the Hamilton Reservoir Association should oppose this truck stop and Mr Bousquet can put you in touch with a representative of HRA. A flyer to all registered voters would also help.

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