Write-In Campaign Info

James LaMountain is organizing a “WRITE-IN” campaign to replace some of the most notorious and corrupt town officials at the annual town election, read more»

Posted on 30 Apr 2009, 22:13 - Category: Town Politics
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Posted on 1 May 2009, 6:08 by Holland Voters
Write In Campaign
The contact E Mail address is WriteInCampaign@gmail.com.

Anyone wishing to participate can contact us at the above e mail.

Posted on 7 May 2009, 15:06 by Holand Voters
There will be a petition circulating to ask the Selectment not to appoint any police officer to the top job in any manner if the candidate has been sued for misconduct where the town has paid.

Morehouse would taint the honor of the Office if he occupied it with his checkered past and outspoken support of Gleason and Johnson. Johnson is named as Defendant in Multiple Lawsuits that have cost this town many hundreds of thousands of dollars to settle. And that is just the tip of the iceburg.

This would be a conflict for Johnson and Morehouse as they were

Lets appoint a search committee. Christian Peterson, Officer Duggen or Jeff, A resident chosen randomly from a list of interested parties not currently working in the town hall. Lets have basic requirements. Drug polygraph testing prior to appointment.

We will circulate the petition and post a copy of it on this web site.
Please leave a comment if you wish to sign the petition or Email HollandWriteInCampaign@gmail.com for locations where and when it will be.

Posted on 7 May 2009, 15:34 by Looking for input

Who are the undersigned residents of Holland hereby petition the Holland Board of Selectmen to cause a Police Chief Selection Committee to be formed prior to the appointment of a Replacement Police Chief.
This Committee to be composed of 5 members with one being a resident of Holland chosen at random from a pool of interested residents of Holland not currently employed by the town.
The committee should also include the sitting Selectman Christian Peterson.
The committee should also give special consideration to any former retired Selectperson or Schoolteacher not currently holding town office.
The Committee should also contain at least one school teacher or administrator currently employed by the town of Holland or the Tantasqua School district.
The Committee should also include a member of the Holland Law enforcement community.
We the undersigned request the above committee be authorized and charged to select a Police Chief to be appointed by the Holland Board of Selectmen.

NAME __________________________ ADDRESS ______________________

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