Town officials read the Holland Blog
According to town clerk Kristin LaPlante, Linda Blodgett corrected the outdated meeting schedule that was posted on the town’s website. Thanks Linda for correcting the Meeting Schedule.In the piece about the selectboard meeting of April 7, 2009, the Holland Blog pointed out that the meeting schedule gave the wrong days and times for selectboard meetings as posted. After less than 24 hours the wrong information was corrected.
Click here to see the page as it was before and click here to see it as it is now.
According to Kristin Laplant, the safety light in front of the Holland Elementary School will be fixed with grant money as soon as possible, see the piece ”Broken Light Safety Issue” by guest writer “A Concerned Citizen.”
Peter Frei
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Posted on 23 Apr 2009, 11:42 by fixitnowTime for town officials to resign
It is obvious that the town of Holland is being run by people with more self interest than interest in the town itself. If this behavior continues, the town will be broke. It seems that citizens who are fighting the town for rights concerning real estate etc. are uncovering dirt on some officials. With more lawsuits in the works, the town will eventually run out of money defending itself. Lets get back to basics and an honest system where our citizens can pursue life, liberty, and happiness.
Posted on 23 Apr 2009, 15:07 by Step up and "Make a Diffrence"
To FixitNow
Ok, I am down with you fix it all. Lets get back to basics. You got my vote. What is your name we will run you in the write in campaign against Johnson Assessor. The state says there is a conflict between him occupying both offices. Also we have a write in for the planning board against Lynn Arnold who is one of "Earls Girls". I think at the very least they should have someone there to oversee how they handle putting a truck stop next to the lake.
Arnold has already lost the town Hundreds of thousands of Dollars when she backed Earl on the planning board to deny Mr Frei the right to divide his land.
Then the legal costs to defend the 16 Officials named in the Illegal Johnson Landgate conspiracy is astronomical to the town.
Johnson resigned in shame from the planning board after the lawsuit was filed and appeals court ruled against the planning board in Frei's case.
So step up... Call Dr Frei and tell him you are calling about the write in campaign.
You Identity will be protected until we release it to the voters to write in just before the election.
Now is your chance to get involved and get Holland back to basics.
Posted on 25 Apr 2009, 9:23 by fixitnow
Thank you for asking me to run for office. Unfortunately I am unable to make the commitment as I travel extensively for my living. This is a town that is obviously corrupt and it's a shame to see it failing. Peter Frei has the right idea but he needs help with his efforts. I know there are many people in town with the intelligence and integrity to do the job. It takes sacrifice and commitment. The other problem is fear. The fear factor will slowly be erased as many of the big guns will go down as they are exposed. This blog is the beginning! Technology is a wonderful thing. Thank you Peter for what you have done to get the ball rolling. Some of the younger citizens can now get involved and bring Holland back to what it was before the corruption got out of hand. It is much like bringing up children. You nurture them, give them the foundation, and in most cases they will flourish. Holland deserves to grow into the beautiful, friendly, quiet, and special place that it was before the sickness that has spread in the last several years. Everyone that cares should try to do their part. SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT, GET INVOLVED!