Wales Fish & Game Club 2016 Annual Pork Roast.

Once again as every fall, the Wales Fish & Game Club celebrated the beginning of fall with their annual Pork Roast.
An already perfect event is getting even better each year,
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Holland / Brimfield Trail Ride, Lake Siog Pass and Grand Trunk Trail, Sat., Oct 18th, 10:00 am
Meet at the Canoe launch on Pond Bridge Rd.
A Bike Mechanic from Bicycle Concepts, Sturbridge, will be at the trail head at 9:30 to do FREE safety checks & minor adjustments.
The ride is from 10:00 - 12:00 and is 10 miles on flat terrain with options for a shorter ride. It is mostly on trails, though a small part is on little-traveled public roads. Helmets required
Great event for the whole family!
Find us online at:
Sponsored by the Holland Trails Committee, The Brimfield Trail Association, and The Last Green Valley.
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10:00 Trail Ride:
The Holland Trails Committee & Brimfield Trail Committee will be leading a Trail Ride (rain or shine). Meet at the kayak/canoe launch by the bridge at 20 Pond Bridge Road in Holland. 9:00-10:00 safety check & minor adjustments by a mechanic from Bicycle Concepts Ride: 10:00 - 12:00. About 10 miles (options for a shorter ride) mostly on trails, though a small part will be on little-traveled public roads. Conditions: flat terrain; a few rough or sandy spots, but generally very good.
Helmets required.
For info: 413 245-7745
1:00 Canoe/Kayak Paddle:
The Army Corps of Engineers will be leading a scenic paddle through wildlife habitat on the Quinebaug River. There is little current, and no portage.
Meet at the kayak/canoe launch by the bridge at 20 Pond Bridge Road in Holland. Guided paddle: 1:00-3:00.
Boats are not provided, so you must bring your own canoe or kayak.
PDFs, personal floatation devices, are required.
Preregistration is requested by calling the Army Corps office at 508 347-3705.
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Holland Pizza isn't Holland Pizza anymore! I heard Mike the Greek is now leasing the business. We went there tonight for dinner. It was FANTASTIC!!! The pizza was thin crust, and REALLY GOOD! one of my kids ordered a cheeseburger and was given a choice of mashed with gravy or french fries, the clam chowder was superb and came out steaming. It is restaurant style so they come to your table to wait on you. It looks different inside with all the tablecloths and vases on the tables. We even treated ourselves to homemade cheesecake for dessert! I highly recommend checking out the new pizza in town, it's excellent! (my kids even got a charge out of watching them toss the dough to make our pizza!) -DMKComments - Edit - Delete
Wales Fish & Game Club 2011 Annual Pork Roast.

The Wales Fish & Game Club had its Annual Pork Roast yesterday. We got there around half past noon. First I helped with the fire which needed help; all the rain left the wood wet and hard to burn. The rain at least stayed away for the entire afternoon. There was more food than attendees could ever eat; Leon Givner started the long process of roasting the pork the evening before and stayed up all night to have it ready by noon yesterday; no wonder that he was tired..
The buffet included besides the pork roast, tossed salad, cole slaw, baked potatoes, baked beans, corn on the cop, applesauce, and drinks. For desserts, attendees were treated with apple pie, fudge, and brownies.
The club also sold tickets for a raffle; among the many prizes was a beautiful necklace with matching ear rings made and donated by Julie’ Jewels’ Elizabeth Johnson. Elizabeth is not only crafting her own jewelry, she is also a seamstress and will sew anything from custom dresses to curtains. She can be reached at 413-315-3110.
About 35 adults and kids enjoyed the scenic setting which features two ponds in front of the club house. Thanks Leon for your efforts in organizing this enjoyable event. It is disappointing not to see more people attending this event.
By the time the fire was burning hot it was time to go home and the fire had to be extinguished. Some of the friends I made a year ago were back again and it is just amazing what happens to time… it felt like I was just there a few weeks ago.
Peter Frei
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Wales Fish & Game Club 2010 Annual Pork Roast.Comments - Edit - Delete
Wales Fish & Game Club 2011 Annual Pork Roast.

I attended last year’s event and the meal was excellent. Tickets are $15.00 each at the door, $12.00 until Thursday September 22, by calling, 413 813 5593. Children 10 years of age and under are free.
The meal will be served starting at 1PM. There will be a camp fire, games, and a raffle. Come and join us for a fun afternoon. You got to eat, right? Make new friends and enjoy the beautiful setting.
Peter Frei
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Wales Fish & Game Club Annual Pork Roast.Comments - Edit - Delete
Brimfield’s Holland Road Relief Open Air Concert at “One Stop.”

Dave Bell is an avid drummer and plays with Sara Ashleigh (vocal), Marc Gravelin (sax and keyboard), Rich Hyatt and Richard Burns (guitars) in the “Push the Blues Band.”
Other performers which will attend the once in a lifetime concert right here in Brimfield (Woodstock without the rain), Doug Bell, Nicole Coogan, Michael Douglas, Billy Goodspeed, Ironstein, Power Play, DJ Rini, DJ Soup, 48 Miles. Many more guest appearances to be announced during the show!!!
Parking will be in the fields along Holland Road south of the woods at the Holland / Brimfield town line. Hay Rides to “One Stop” will be offered for attendees.
Bring your own food and beverages and don’t forget to bring some green to help with a donation. Proceeds will go to Holland Road residents and business owners who’s properties were destroyed during the Tornado of June 1, 2011.
Performances will begin at around noon time and will continue until 10pm.
Peter Frei
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A Wonderful Accompaniment To Your Holiday Turkey
Instead of opening a can of cranberry sauce this year, try this quick (15 minutes!) and easy cranberry recipe which is a wonderful accompaniment to your holiday turkey. It can be made several days ahead……just stir it up before serving. Happy Thanksgiving! From The Innkeeper @ Hisgen House Bed & Breakfast & the Holland Blog Classic Cranberry Sauce 1 ½ cups sugar ¾ cup orange juice ½ tsp cinnamon ¼ tsp ginger Dash of ground cloves 1 (12-ounce) package of fresh cranberries 1 tablespoon grated orange rind Combine first 6 ingredients in a medium saucepan; bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to medium; cook 12 minutes or until cranberries pop. Remove from heat and stir in rind. Cool completely. Serve chilled or at room temperature. Hisgen House Bed & Breakfast 78 Hisgen Road Holland, Massachusetts 01521 Email: www.hisgenhouse.comComments - Edit - Delete
30th Anniversary of the Annual Pow Wow of the Nipmuck Indian Council of Chaubunagungamaug this weekend.

As every year for the past 29, the event is organized to take place this weekend September 11 and 12 for the 30th time at Lake Siog Park from 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Peter Frei
Read also:
2009 Nipmuck Pow Wow.Nipmuck POW WOW.
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Upside-down icicles? Winter at Tantiusques.

Another fun thing to do if you like the outdors! Learn about a natural spectacle; upside-down icicles! Read more»
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Brimfield Antique Auto Show
Despite the questionable whether forecast, the organizers of the show give it a go for this Saturday, October 10, 2009.
Cars will enter in 25 categories to compete for 75 trophies and 3 Best In Show. Tickets are available at all Country Banks branches and proceeds benefit the Brimfield Senior Center. For Info call 413 544 1644 (for exhibitor), 413 531 0843 (for general info).
Peter Frei
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