Police Chief of Holland, Kevin Gleason, arrested for OUI

Only in Holland, and only under Earl Johnson's watch! Where ever I turn, I stumble over the most unbelievable stuff!

A while back I heard the rumor that Holland Police Chief Kevin Gleason was forced to resign from the Southbridge Police Force as he was arrested by one of his peers after he rolled over the car he was driving while under the influence of liquor. Hard to believe you would say, right? We will get to that later.

It was yesterday, March 12, 2008, when I witnessed one more time how our town government with the help of our Chief who likes to drink one or two Martinis and red wine, and this according to his own account, frivolously soiled the reputation of a member of this community out of spite by charging him with a crime he did not commit. Aware that he had not done any wrong, he stood his ground and refused to accept a plea that would have allowed the town officials to save face. The prosecutor must have known that he had no case, and, as this member of our community did not take the bait of a plea, the prosecutor decided not to pursue the matter. Instead he dropped the frivolous charges brought forward by the town officials.

The incident brought me into that mood that is best mitigated by revenge. On my way home from the Palmer District Court, I decided to make a detour to the Dudley District Court and either conform the rumor of Gleason's arrest for OUI (Operating while Under the Influence of liquor), or lay it to rest once and for all.

I would not be honest if I would claim having been surprised; it was true! As I noted earlier, only in Holland! The criminal matter is filed under the docket number 9964CR003873 at the Dudley District Court. Interested readers click here, to view and read the court documents. (Please Kevin, don't threaten me again with your lawyer and try to coerce me into removing this document from my web-page. The document is part of the public record, and the residents of Holland have the right to know!)

I wonder whether Earl Johnson knew about this when he decided to trust Kevin Gleason with the safety of this community, and later even promoted Gleason to chief of police. Kevin, did you tell him????

As far as I'm concerned, I would feel much safer if Chief Gleason wouldn't be around. He is about the only thing I perceive as an immediate threat to my freedom and safety.
Peter Frei

Posted on 13 Mar 2008, 20:56 - Category: Town Politics
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