What is Holland thinking?

Jack posted the following comment on 2 Apr 2009, 8:47: I'm civil. Admittingly my comment may have had a wise-ass tone. You kept referring to me as “you and other town officials” and “you would love to just dump your garbage here.” I do not have an agenda. When I came across the site. I thought, nice to have a place Holland residents can post comments and thoughts. I'm all for hearing other peoples point of view. Pro or con on different subjects. It will only make me an more informed resident and voter. If I can make a suggestion. Have a section like “What is Holland thinking,” where people could make comments about Holland. If it makes you feel any better I registered as an independent.
Here is your wish Jack, lets see what Holland's residents have on their minds.... I encourage everybody to comment on anything you like, just click on the “comment” link and leave a comment! (Please no name-calling)
Peter Frei

Posted on 6 Apr 2009, 21:51 - Category: Speak Out Holland
Edit - Delete


Posted on 7 Apr 2009, 16:49 by Kevin Gleason
Police Chief Gleason accidently drinks truth serum.
What Chief Gleason would say if he could only tell the truth.

OK so you caught me... I am a nice guy but I really don't think being a cop is my line of work.

I just learned how to be one before I came to Holland and could not believe my luck when they offered me the job of Top Cop of Holland.
After all I have no ethics whatsoever and I really did not have the training or experience to even be a proper patrolman. I still don't.
So I have to "bend" the law a little to keep Earl and Jim Wettlaufer happy. And sometimes I need to lie under oath just to keep my job.

I know for me to wear all gold buttons on my unifirm is a disgrace to those who actually earned the right to wear gold but darn if the girls and boys don't go goo goo eyed when they see my gold buttons on my uniform that i do not deserve to be wearing.
So thank you Holland for looking the other way in the Stacy Quinonnes Lawsuit where I was a defendant after I threatened to go to Florida for sex and to commit a crime. ANY other town would have demanded I resign. But I had to do it.
I was only doing what Papa Petey (Earl Johnson) told me to do because Stacy was running against him for selectman and Earl wanted to send her a Message.
You can read all about it it if you call Mr. Frei and request a copy of the Federal Civil Rights Complaint.

I really was drunk the night I rolled the vehicle and got arrested for OUI in Southbridge because I like to drink alot. I do not need to worry about losing my job because if I go down I will take Earl and the rest of the Gang with me.
Honestly though... I do like to go down...Wink wink......Blush
I made a deal to leave the Southbridge Police force and they dropped the OUI charge and found me responsible for the reckless driving that caused the Jeep to flip over.
Well time to go cruising the internet for my next sexual conquest. I love looting Holland.

K. G.

Posted on 7 Apr 2009, 22:45 by Dana Manning
Truth serum?
SARCASM..... it's just another form of anger.

Posted on 8 Apr 2009, 8:30 by Jim LaMountain

Dana...welcome to the blog...
Anger vs. sarcasm...I guess you could say that..Any ethical hardworking, honest person paying taxes in this town needs to feel a little anger at the mess that people like Gleason, Johnson. WettGODfer, Jacobi, Arnold and Earls Girls are causing or allowing to happen.

Anger vs sarcasm??? I suppose that watching the apethetic citizens with their tails between their legs could cause one to be angry also.

Anger is OK when channeled properly. Anger caused this blog to be created...Anger caused investigation into Johnsonville Land Gate.
Anger makes some people work harder.
Anger causes our race car driver to pass many cars on the track.

Fear is what is gripping alot of people and keeping them from getting involved. Fear causes you to ride around back and get caught up in wrecks.
I know what our officials listed above are capable of. I have seen them unmasked and raw. I don't blame folks for hiding like ostriches with their heads buried in the sand.

I believe if Gleason did mistakenly drink truth serum instead of red wine while on a date with one of his Girl or Boyfriends he probably would say most if not all of the things in the post above.

Once again Dana "welcome" to the blog.. I hope that is not your real name or you could be sorry.

Posted on 8 Apr 2009, 16:12 by HC
Mr. Frei,

Once again you are only willing to let the opinions that you agree with stay posted on this blog. I thought you established this web page so the people of Holland could share their concerns. Now it appears that you are only willing to show opinions that favor you and your friends. Maybe you should change your name from Town Reporter, to Town Coward?

Posted on 8 Apr 2009, 17:23 by Peter Frei
Who is a Coward?
HC, I will delete any comments attacking anybody unfairly. If you accuse Mr. LaMountain or anybody else of "raping a young child," or if you claim that someone "has an interest in young girls," I will delete such comments if I know that they are untrue.
A child by definition is an individual before reaching puberty. Here is the relevant definition from the Merriam Webster medical Dictionary:

1 : the condition of being or the period of becoming first capable of reproducing sexually marked by maturing of the genital organs, development of secondary sex characteristics, and in humans and the higher primates by the first occurrence of menstruation in the female

2 : the age at which puberty occurs being typically between 13 and 16 years in boys and 11 and 14 in girls and often construed legally as 14 in boys and 12 in girls

Here is the link to the information:

Do you get it HC?

The correct allegation would be that James LaMountain was convicted of statutory rape of a young woman or teenager two weeks short of her sixteenth birthday 25 years ago. But that is not much of an allegation as James LaMountain himself admitted this fact in the bio he wrote about himself for everybody to read, just click on the link on the left “Who Is Who Blog.” It takes a real man with courage to write such a candid bio in a public forum for everybody to see.
Now let’s see how much of a man you are…. Could it be that you are hiding in a basement behind the IP which is the IP of the Information Technology Center, 200 Arlington ST, Chelsea MA 02150. Could it be that in that basement you are using a computer terminal setup for secure access to retrieve and entering reports in connection with firearm processing? A connection that is routed to the address in Chelsea? Could it be that even so you are hiding behind an alias that you still need to somehow boost your ego by using HC (Holland Chief)?? Don’t you feel you have an obligation to do some work for our community instead of scouring the internet to do damage control?
You are a real piece of work!

Posted on 9 Apr 2009, 6:13 by Knows him
HC.. you seem very very fixated on Mr. LaMountain and ancient history. If what you say even began to have truth in it then why would anyone have given him foster children? Especially a 15 year old girl?
Why don't you ask Miss Marques how her life has been in the LaMountain household.
The truth is that Mr. LaMountain pushed back after you attacked him and his family and he uncovered the world of corruption that is stinking up our town hall. You guys have been trying to jail him nonstop now.
I think you are the coward. I think Earl has a hair across his a** against this man and has made it his business to punish him and ostracize him. You guys are afraid you might get in trouble. Gleason could get in trouble for impersonating a police officer.
Why don't you and Boss Hog do the right thing and resign so Holland has a chance to be a community moving forward.
And yes he does like young women. I see him with 20 something year olds all the time. Are you jealous? No probably not. John T. tells me Gleason's real sexual appetite is for men.
Do Holland a favor and stay in Southbridge where you belong.

Posted on 9 Apr 2009, 7:04 by J.P.
Jessica Powers
Jessica Powers, Late 20's 200 lbs, child in foster care. Has a problem with addiction to crack cocaine. Summer 2006. Jessica proudly tells the people at the beach she is visiting in Holland that she has been dating Kevin P. Gleason off and on for months. Says she shared the pipe with Kevin.
Sara Ashley... 2002-2003, not a bad looking girl, Has more spunk than most. Sara living in Southbridge, working for Mistress in the adult entertainment business calls for maintenance on her apartment she is renting on 43 Coombs St. Southbridge Ma. Young man shows up to look at problem. Sara, maintenance man and Sara's boyfriend (client) sit down and all get stoned on some good weed.
A few months later the maintenance man sees Sara's boyfriend (client) again. This time Sara's client is wearing gold buttons on his Holland Police Chief uniform. It is the same guy the maintenance man got stoned with in Sara's apartment.
A young women is granted sanctuary too in the LaMountain household where she gets clean after a bout with substance abuse.
This young ladies real father is a open practicing homosexual male who is comfortable in his skin. The young lady goes to her dad's house last Easter for dinner and returns to the LaMountain sanctuary where she reports her dad told her that he dated the Holland Police Chief numerous times and they were intimate.
These are 3 reports made to the guy the Holland Chief keeps bashing.
Gold buttons, and rank stripes are sewn on the uniforms of United States Naval Enlisted Men for 12 years of continuous good conduct. All who see the gold on enlisted men know they are men of high character and ethics.
Holland Chief Gleason wears gold on his uniform. This disgraces all the honorable hard working men and women who serve our country with the highest of standards.
Gleason should be publicly stripped of his gold buttons.
What Gleason does as a civilian is none of our business. But he is the Holland Police Chief. The Johnson's and WettGODfer's will keep him forever as they too live by the same standards of conduct that our golden boy Gleason practices. Ask Jessica, mistress, or John T.

The truth is the truth ... and can no longer be censored.

Posted on 9 Apr 2009, 12:12 by FN LaMoutntain USS Sumpter LST 1181 Deployed 76-78
Gold Naval Master Chief
There is a man in this town that works as the agent for the Holland Board of Health. His name is Arthur Quinn. Arther is a retired United States Master Chief.
Master Chief also known as E-9 is the highest rank an enlisted man can attain in the US Navy.

Master Chief Quinn is not only a high rank Naval Chief his uniform was also trimmed in gold due to his Ethics. Honor, and Conduct.

I salute you Master Chief. Holland could use another 10 or 12 just like you. Thank You for your Honorable service to our Country and our town.


Posted on 9 Apr 2009, 14:05 by THE TRUTH
does anyone really know the chief of holland? listen from early on in his career he owned a bike shop and claimed secrtion 13. good management skills you might say...not. then he came to holland i believe he was an auxillary member of the southbridge police and got bagged for oui. who knows if that stuck but it must have said something for his characture that even the guys that he worked with wanted him locked up. he then came to wonderful holland. he turned the town into a joke. he has stolen so much from that department it is sickening. how about when he had cell phones issued to the town and he let his then wife who was a nurse take the cell phone a rack up the bill. then not pay it. so for the next chief good luck getting an account with them. by the way he met this girl and after two weeks of knowing her married her. ummmm think about it... what was the gain for him she was a relative of stacy quinones and she was on the hiriing board for the chief job. so setting up her family so they can be taken care of. well not for long the relationship was over shortly after getting the chief job. then he met sara a bartender at pj the biggest drug bar in holland. yup that is where the find chief like to hang out. picks her up and starts a relationship with the town bicycle. nice. oh before that he would meet girls on the internet that the town of holland provides and one that he met on line he had intercourse with her on his desk. he is a real gem. lets see then there was the missing drugs from the evidence locker in the station . state police questioned numberous members of the police station to which some took a polygraph...you think kevin did..no he refused. whos prints were on the evidence. makes you think. this man has been a cancer in holland for so long now but if no one does anything about it then who cares.

Posted on 9 Apr 2009, 18:18 by Jim L.
Hello TRUTH.... you are always welcome, Thanks for coming. Explain something to me. Have you seen the Federal Civil Rights lawsuit that the town lost against Stacy Quinonnes? In it the Holland Police Chief Kevin P. Gleason was alleged to have said he would go to Florida and Shoot Stacie's sister in Law but he would have to F**k her first. No kiddin it is in the lawsuit that Stacy got alot of money for.

So Stacies cousine that Kevin Gleason married. Is that the Girl that Chief Gleason married in Georgia??
And how did she get on the Chief Selection Committee?
Also Sara was working for Kay @ High Roller Entertainment Service. It was a service that provided girls for private parties. Kind of like an "escort" service. Kay says she introduced the two and knew Chief Gleason before Sara did.
Then the Chief got Sara Pregnant and got her a job working next to Earl in the assesors office..Sara must have found out that Kevin Gleason likes men because John T reports it was around the time that Kevin and Sara were together that he and the Chief were dating.

What year did Gleason marry Stacies cousin?

Do you know anything about Lynn Arnold and escape estates? Check out Andre' Cormier on the who is who section of this blog.

Or Nancy the tax collector who calls people that are about to lose their property and buys it for her son before the town takes it?

What will it take to clean the cancer out of the town hall?

Again TRUTH, thanks for your post and you are always in my heart.

Posted on 9 Apr 2009, 19:02 by Peter Frei
Another of Gleason's Girlfriends
On April 22, 2004, Kevin P. Gleason stated in an interview that he never took a vacation. Danielle Williamson, news staff writer for the Southbridge Evening News wrote: "With the exception of a day here and there, Gleason has never taken a vacation. Even when he and his girlfriend [Sara Meier] celebrated the birth of their daughter, Ava, a month ago, he still swung the station on a regular basis."
This is not true, the technical term is a "lie." Kevin Gleason went on a cruise in June of 2002 together with another girlfriend, Theresa Lake and Theresa's friend Sally Blais and husband Dave. However, he never had intercourse with Theresa Lake (or did he?) as that would have been a crime pursuant to M.G.L. c.272, s.14, (Adultery). Gleason's divorce became final on June 27, 2002, just days after he returned form the cruise.
The title in the SEN had the heading "Residents happy with Holland chief's progress." The piece is a source of great amusement, I will share it with the readers of the Holland Blog at another time...

Posted on 10 Apr 2009, 9:00 by Peter Frei
Gleason claimed section 13?
THE TRUTH, you mentioned in your comment that Kevin Gleason claimed section 13, what is section 13? Do you have the chapter number if it is M.G.L? Interesting stuff, keep posting comments folks! I hear that Gleason is trying to get another job and has a problem because of all the "Internet presence" he has and potential townships google his name before hiring him. He is trying to find another Holland but failed so far. "Earl Johsnons and Jim Wettlaufers" are scarce out there. My advice to Gleason, don't walk out of Holland, run! Right now you might still get a job as a "dog officer" but I think not for much longer.

Posted on 10 Apr 2009, 15:19 by Google Kevin P. Gleason Holland Ma
Look what I found

Look what I found after I googled Kevin P Gleason Holland Ma
This one was at the Toomey Legal Blog

Town Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit for $50,000

Selectmen in the town of Holland, Massachusetts have recently released details pertaining to the settlement of a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by a former part-time police officer against the town. The Plaintiff reportedly accused the Police Chief, Kevin P. Gleason of sexual harassment. The lawsuit alleged that the Plaintiff was terminated for no reason after Gleason made unwanted sexual advances, while the town alleged that she had been terminated for not reporting to duty. The town stated that the decision to settle the case for $50,000 was a business decision made by its insurance company, based on economic considerations.

Posted May 29, 2007 by Walter J. Toomey, Esq. of Toomey Legal.


Posted on 11 Apr 2009, 18:59 by Jack
Carefull what you wish for!
I was hopeing for a discussion, with differant view points. Most comments seem like personal attacks. Carefull, what you wish for! I think the blog did take a step forward. See you at the next poker game .

Posted on 13 Apr 2009, 22:41 by TRUTH
hello again

kevin filed bankrupsey and the people of holland put him in a management position..good job there. did they not do a background check on him. the lawsuit...that stacy got everything she deserved she should have gotten more. but hey i guess we should thank the residence of holland for that one. they appointed kevin into that position he abused it he then made the lawsuit you think a dime of that came out of his pocket. nope. that was paid for by the towns insurance policy so thank you holland residence for paying out to stacy. the accusations that kevin fired her because she did not show up for a shift. well tell me do reserves in training even have a scheduled shift. the whole thing was bull shit. great job stacy you deserve what ever you got from that ass. the town of holland has not picked a good chief in forever and when they finally get one he leaves.
lets think jovan...what a joke. he had a corrupt police department and everyone was part of the good ole boys where they covered for each other. canedy was banging the video store girl in the station and fat jack knew about it and then did nothing. caught her naked in the corner of the pd and said she better be gone when i leave. oooooohhhhh big deal. they were all accused of stealing items from the pd. then when they all left they took the corruption to brimfield. just movin the problem. then you get haapakowski. greatest chief that town has seen. oh actually before that there was the womanizer from auburn reighk. can you say liability. anyways holland you just can't pick a chief. get rid of them let the state police take over....dont they run the place now anyways. does kevin even go to work.
also isn't kevin on salary i would like to know how he can be on salary and still be able to do details. can you say double dipping. didn't worcester pd just get in trouble for this. there is too much to say

Posted on 14 Apr 2009, 8:18 by The Right Way..
I sit back and watch with amazement all of the allegations and alleged corruption that is going on in Holland...I ask myself why dont you people deal with it the right way if there is such a problem?


1. (used with a singular or plural verb) a system of moral principles: the ethics of a culture.
2. the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc.: medical ethics; Christian ethics.
3. moral principles, as of an individual: His ethics forbade betrayal of a confidence.
4. (usually used with a singular verb) that branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions.

Maybe?...Just throwing it out there???

Posted on 14 Apr 2009, 13:17 by Peter Frei
Corruption is real, not alleged!
The Massachusetts State Ethics Commission does not help you if the corrupt planning board under the guidance of planning board member and selectboard member Earl Johnson denies you your right to further divide already subdivided property and is willing to waste more than $100,000.00 in defending an indefensible ensuing lawsuit. Most litigants would have given up and town counsel Vincent McCaughey would have gotten away with lying to a Superior Court Judge, member Debra Benveniste with giving perjured testimony, and who ever did it with falsifying the official record.
As informed resident of Holland know by now, the town lost the appeal and Earl Johnson’s claim that they are just doing what they promised do when they took the oath of office, “to uphold the law,” is nothing but a very costly (to the tax payers) myth. What he does, is screwing people who get in his way, and lying to the rest.
These are not allegations, these are facts posted by someone with his real name and not someone hiding behind an alias…..
So, poster with the alias “The Right Way;” keep being amazed and lean back, but pay closer attention and please try to distinguish facts from allegations. All the documents you need to view to verify the forgoing statement are posted on this blog. Wake up, corruption is not just alleged, this blog offers proof for those who can handle the truth…
Over time, this blog will be “The Right Way,” as people will be able to communicate their opinions as you just did uncensored in a public forum. Informed people combined will form the “public opinion” of the future.


Posted on 24 Apr 2009, 10:21 by Jim LaMountain
What would Earl Johnson say if he could only speak the truth.
Here is a question. What would Papa Peetee (Earl Johnson) say if he could only speak the truth.
I will start.

My name is Earl and I can't believe how easy it is to get away with looting this town. I did it before in the 1980's and was forced to resign in shame. What idiots the people of Holland are to let me get away with it a second time. And I should. Me and my family are royalty here in Holland. We deserve everything we steal because no residents of Holland even seem to care.

Posted on 4 May 2009, 21:15 by Mike LaMountain
What's going on?
So this morning I had to run to Howlette Lumber around 10:30 this morning and when I drove by the town hall I noticed a state police crusier parked in the parking lot. On my way back to my farm I drove past the town hall again and noticed a state trooper standing in the parking lot talk to a couple of guys wearing suits and a woman wearing a name tag. I thought it was weird. Around 11:30 I realized I had bought the wrong staples for my staple gun and returned to Howletts. I thought it was interesting that the parking lot of the town hall was still full and the state troopers car was still there.

Does anyone know why those strange people were at the town hall today and what was the state police doing there for so long?


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