Still, I was not invited onto the Finance Board.
In order to wiggle out of the legal "situation" they created (by unlawfully voting to not self appoint in total disregard of the town bylaws) they were told by legal counsel to repost the vacancies. Apparently they did. And I reapplied. But instead of offering me a seat they scrounged up two "more qualified people" (despite no job description or written qualifications) and held a meeting which I was not even invited to, yet the other two applicants were present at that meeting.. .and they got appointed by the finance board. The very same finance board that does not self appoint... appointed them, ten days before the annual town meeting, when the moderator would once again have the power to appoint.
Wettlaufer frequently claims that no one volunteers for boards. This is simply not true. Maybe there are times when he has trouble hand-picking people due to low interest but that is not the same as no one volunteering. Wettlaufer and Arnold attended nearly all the finance board meetings ( "the budget season is over" finance board meetings....) so my not being appointed to the board has as much to do with them as it does with Harhay and Hardy. In fact, after reviewing the finance board minutes, Wettlaufer's and Arnold's attendance at finance board meetings increased once I declared my interest in serving. They were both present the night when two new people were appointed and I was not invited. Are they in cahoots? BANK ON IT!
With only two days until the election it would be impossible for me to have success as a write in candidate. But by all means if there is anyone who wants to write me in for the planning board seat I would be honored, but that board is no picnic. I attended a planning board meeting..... Lynn Arnold constantly talks over whoever is speaking, another time she whispered with the lawyer during a public hearing which is rude and a blatant Open Meeting Law violation, and the entire board never even introduced themselves, yet they inquired who I was. All in all it is a very unfriendly board. It is clear that no one there has any interest in allowing residents of Holland to realize any improvements to their homes or properties, all these board members want to do is tell you, "you can' t do that" and "that's not allowed." They tell you this even when IT IS allowed. Some people do get what they want. Lynn Arnold doubled the size of her house on a non-conforming lot in violation of local bylaws as well as M.G.L.; Andrew Harhay (finance board chair and neighbor to Lynn Arnold.... Do you see now why they are all in cahoots?) was granted a variance because his house infringed on setback requirements mandated by the local bylaws. To read about it, click here!
What a shame that I spent nine months trying to appease these people by providing every scrap of documentation they asked for, but don't require from other candidates. What a shame that I was asked to prove my skills while others (according to finance board minutes) get a phone interview and then three days later (not nine months) get appointed to the board. My efforts and research could have been put to good use by researching ways for the town to curb costs and save money. The lesson here is that motivated honest people need not apply.
June 23, 2013, Dana Manning