Chairman of the Board of Selectmen James Wettlaufer and the other two members of the Board accepted a motion to sign an agreement to allow the Red Cross to use the Holland Elementary School as an Emergency Shelter.
Pictured below:
Contents of Community Emergency Response Team Medical Bag.
In case of a disaster or other emergency, the Red Cross will take-over the HES and will work together with the Holland Emergency Committee in their relief efforts. The HES will be insured by the Red Cross in such an event.
The next step will be the evaluation and purchase of a power generator which will produce power in case there is none available during an Emergency.
Kelly did not take much time to celebrate her first success: “I have another grant I’m working on right now and it’s for twenty-five-hundred dollars and it is a matching grant.”
There was a discussion how to match the grant as matching grants can only be submitted once the funds to match the grant are appropriated.
Kelly closed her presentation with her appeal to the community to join her efforts and become a member of the Holland Emergency Committee: “Now that I know that we have a shelter, we start to go forward a little faster..”
Kelly can be reached at (413) 455 7079.
March 7, 2011, Peter Frei