As far as I could see, there was nobody else on the rest of the lake (south side) besides the guys all around my house.
The commotion was clearly organized and meant to intimidate.
I don’t know exactly when they started drinking.
In the picture below they are having what seems to be breakfast around 8 a.m.
From left to right: Thug, who assaulted me later, talking to Brian Johnson; Brian Johnson; Unknown guy facing to the left; guy who later threatened to smash my friend’s camera (standing in front of another guy and facing to the right); coward who covered his face after the assault described further down and giving my friend the finger using derogatory language after the assault (extreme right).
You would think that there should be a picture where they don’t drink. But it was impossible to take one, unless they where peeing and didn’t have a free hand to hold onto the beer bottle or can.
Persons may not drive while drinking from an open container of an alcoholic beverage. To do so may result in a fine for not more than $500. M.G.L.c.90, s.24I.
Click on any pictures to enlarge!
Some individuals claimed in comments that I would be "stalking" Brian Johnson. But, as you can see, it is the other way around! I did not even have to leave the comfort of my house to take the pictures shown here.
Brian Johnson seems to be drawn to my house; so is Michael Rutkowski, his sons, and all his and Brian’s drinking buddies.
Last year, the binge drinking ended in a horrific accident; the Holland Blog reported about the accident in the piece, Ice fishing (drinking) accident on Hamilton Reservoir.
Michael Rutkowski was there a year ago as a paramedic, on Saturday he was indulging in some heavy drinking himself.
Brian Johnson’s mob drove by my house revving up their engines like young kids driving their first car. One of Brian’s thugs sprayed the words "EAT ME" on his snow plow and parked it always in a way that the sign was directed towards my house. For those readers who are not familiar with my house, my house sits at the very tip of a peninsula surrounded by water. One pillar supporting the house sits actually in the water. The shoreline of Hamilton Reservoir is only about 5 feet away from my house on three sides.
All day long they couldn’t let go of their cans/bottles, even if they drove around with their quads.
Around 3 p.m. some of the guys trespassed my property and I went up there and told them to stay of my property. At the same time, I picked up my mail and put my garbage to the curbside.
I walked back to my house the shortest distance where I always walk (when the ice is safe) which leads over the water. Brian Johnson and his mob of six positioned themselves right in the midst of the path on the ice to my house. As I walked towards them, Brian Johnson said something I couldn't understand. I asked, “are you talking to me? ”He then said, “sn't there somebody else in the house?”
As I walked by them, Brian Johnson said repeatedly in a threatening way, “get the fuck out of here, RIGHT NOW!!” (I was just walking to my house where I always walk, in a direct line to my house!)
The thug with camouflage jacket to Brian’s right is the guy who took of his jacket to get ready for a fist fight with me. He seems to be very brave with six other thugs of Brian’s gang behind him.
When I walked by him instead of engaging him, he assaulted me. He kicked me in the back of my legs so I fell backwards on the ice. Brian Johnson was positioning himself — while I was laying on the ice — to kick me in my face. I told the Brian Johnson gang that they would be videotaped and they froze immediately. I walked back to my house and called 911. Officer Bean and Sergeant Jeffrey Forcier of the Holland Police Department arrived a while later. The seven thugs were still here.
Pictured below:
Brian Johnson, this time with a beer can in his hand.
As I never saw the assailant before, I suggested to Sergeant Jeffrey Forcier and Officer Bean to go over to the guys standig arround Brian Johnson to get a possitive identification of the assailant with name.
Officer Forcier refused stating,
"I do not want to escalate the situation.."
I responded, "how can the situation escalate with two police officers present?" But he had made up his mind and refused.
Please help identify the thug pictured below so I can press charges for assault against this punk. This thug is pictured in each picture shown in this piece, exept the picture of Brian Johnson holding onto his beer bottle driving his quad.
If you know his name, call Holland Police or call me, or leave a comment with his name, thanks!
February 20, 2011, Peter Frei
As I reported in the piece, “Brian Johnson Organized a Day of Harassment Which Ended in Assault,” Brian Johnson’s attempts to shut me up by intimidating, harassing, and threatening me, now escalated into perpetrating raw violence towards me.
But that’s not all, Instead of accepting responsibility for his conduct exposed here on the Holland Blog, he and his gang not only assaulted and battered me, Brain Johnson and his gang also conspired against me by making false statements to the investigating police officers.
Corporal Jeffrey Forcier of the HPD, wrote in his report:
Johnson [Brian] said he felt threatened by Frei because Frei said "Stay off my property or I’ll fucking kill you". Johnson told me he was concerned for his safety because of this threat.While some cowards lie to keep themselves out of trouble, Brian Johnson took it to the next level and accused ME of a crime!
The assault by Brian Johnson’s Highway Gang on my person that took place on February 19, 2011, just yards from my house, will have consequences for Brian Johnson and the assailant pictured below, believed to be Al West.
This might be surprising for many members of our community as sociopaths have an ability to appear normal towards individuals who do not pose a threat of exposing their true character, but Brian Johnson did the same before! I reported the incidence in the piece, Our elected Highway Superintendent a liar?
Brian Johnson is very familiar with the provision of G.L. chapter 275 section 2, under which the threat to commit a crime is actionable, and so am I.
Brian used said provision successfully to criminalize James LaMountain back in 2008.
Brian Johnson made the false statement to Forcier before he learned that I recorded audio while the assault took place and before he knew that I’m able to prove that he and the rest of his gang were lying to Forcier and Beane.
Pictured below:
To the very left, officer Beane HPD; third from left, Brian Johnson, still holding on to yet another beer can; fifth from left, Corporal Forcier (white pans) HPD.
The picture shows eight individuals besides Beane and Forcier, the incident report and Frocier’s narrative only mentions six individuals.
Brian was smart enough NOT to dig himself a bigger hole by following through and file a complaint against me, a sure thing — if his allegations were true — as he had at least six gang members (“witnesses” ready to lie for Brian) with him out on the ice that day.
According to Forcier’s report, Brian’s statement also made clear that my alleged threat could not have been missed by Brian’s gang. Brian, according to Forcier’s report, allegedly stated also:
Frei had come out on to the ice and was yelling at the group [...]The same criminal conduct — conspiracy to commit a crime, and the crime of making false statements to a police officer — was perpetrated against me before by Brian Johnson.
To grasp the magnitude of Brian Johnson’s sinister plan he and his gang put in motion on February 19, 2011, to give me a good “gang beating,” or even kill me, it is necessary that the reader of the Holland Blog looks at the Google map I made.
This map shows the conspicuous location Brian and his gang choose to put their ominous plan into action. The map also shows pictures of locations and gives explanations. Please click here, to view the map.
Brian’s choice to ice-fish around my house was no coincident, even to the uninformed.
Brian and his gang arrived early that morning, it was around 6:25 hours.
I never left the house until 15:04 hours. At that time, Brian Johnson and his gang were on the ice for 8-1/2 hours. Two men trespassed over my property and I ran up my private way, intercepted the two men, and sent them back.
Before I went outside, my girlfriend voiced her concern that Brian and his gang could hurt me. At the time, I thought that she is exaggerating; harassing us by drilling holes all around my house, revving up quads and the like is one thing, to resort to raw violence, another! So I thought...
Was I wrong!
Fortunately I listened to her and recorded audio while she was going to videotape from the house, just in case.
Police Report (narrative) from Corporal Jeff Forcier, HPD
Police Report (narrative) from Officer Leonard Beane, HPD
Police Incident Report Officer Leonard Beane, and assisting Corporal Jeff Forcier, HPD
Voluntary Statement by Witness Dana Manning
Voluntary Statement by Victim Peter Frei
March 25, 2011, Peter Frei
The audio proves my testimony and exposes Brian Johnson and his gang as liars.
Brian Johnson’s lawyer, Tani Sapirstein, objected pointing to the fact that Brian Johnson did not consent to the audio recording and that the audio recording therefore was illegally obtained and therefore inadmissible. Under the Massachusetts wiretap statute, G.L. c.271, s.99, any recording of speech without the consent of all participating parties is illegal.
Brian Johnson left the courthouse after the first hearing back on April 7 with a big smirk on his face.
Presiding Justice Honorable Patricia T. Poehler gave me an opportunity to argue my point in a memorandum and submit it at the next hearing, the hearing which took place last Thursday, May 12.
Every child watching movies involving criminal trials knows that evidence obtained illegally is inadmissible, right? I’m sure most remember the “Dirty Harry” movies in which “Dirty” Harry Callahan portrayed by Clint Eastwood over and over failed to bring criminal punks to justice because the procurement of evidence he collected was in violation of the constitutional rights even criminals enjoy.
These movies became iconic because they were a portrayal of social protests, pointing out that it was easier for the justice system to protect potential suspects ahead of enforcing the rights of victims while ignoring citizens who were in danger or who had been murdered. Repeatedly evidence collected by blunt-speaking, unorthodox detective Dirty Harry where tossed out or where inadmissible because they where obtained illegally.
In my memorandum of law, I point out that the protection against unreasonable search and seizures granted to all citizens under the Forth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution does only protect private citizens from members of the government and not from other private citizens.
Any evidence collected by a private individual is therefore admissible, even if the evidence was obtained illegally. Case law by the U.S. Supreme Court, Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and Appeals Court of the Commonwealth, are consistent with this view.
See my memorandum.
Brian Johnson’s “Super Lawyer” Tani Sapirstein of course disagreed and tried to dupe the Court. She claimed that under the plain language of c.271, s.99(C)(2), any recording would be inadmissible in any judicial proceeding.
Justice Poehler looked at me, and I said:
“Your honor, that’s not in there!”
As a judge, if you have a (former) “Super Lawyer” telling you something, and some guy with a ponytail who is not a lawyer is telling you something else, whom do you believe??
It was refreshing to see that Honorable Justice Poehler was not going to be duped, not even by a (former) Super Lawyer. Justice Poehler asked her clerk, “why don’t you get me a copy of section 99 from the law library..”
Just minutes later, Honorable Justice Poehler started reading s.99(C)(2):
“Editing of tape recordings in judicial proceedings prohibited. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this section any person who willfully edits, alters or tampers with any tape ...”
In “Rainmaker,” Matt Damon plays a young inexperienced lawyer, attorney Rudy Baylor, who wins a big case and ends the movie with the statement:
"Every lawyer, at least once in every case, feels himself crossing a line he doesn't really mean to cross. ... And if you cross it enough times it disappears forever. And then you're nothin' but another lawyer joke. Just another shark in the dirty water."
The fact that Sapirstein needs to resource to making up her own statutes in a last ditch effort to keep the audio out speaks for itself.
I can’t see how Sapirstein will be able to overcome my memorandum which lays out the real law and not her warped interpretation.
I expect to be able to play the recording during the next continuance to expose Brian Johnson’s lies.
Last Thursday, Brian Johnson was not accompanied by his buddy and employee John Folger and officer Bean was also not with him; his wife was the only person other then Sapirstein who accompanied him.
The continuance of the hearing is scheduled for May 19, 2011, at 15:00 hours.
To read my memorandum, click here!
To listen to the audio, scroll up and click on the play button off the audio player.
Any word typed in bold/italic is a link.
May 15, 2011, Peter Frei
To read Sapirstein’s motion, click here!
To read my opposition, click here!
August 9, 2011, Peter Frei