In general, the Aqua Riders filed a request to conduct their activities the same way as they did last year. Petersen had concerns about the safety of the ski-jump at night and requested to have a safety light on the jump to mark it at night.
Possible purchase of the Circle H Ranch property.
Earl Johnson suggested considering the purchase of the Circle H Ranch Property that is for sale. The town owns no property to expand if necessary.
Sturbridge Road
The slectboard will file a project request with the state for funding of the Sturbridge Road project. The state put aside chapter 90 funds which the selectboard now will request to be released to fund the project.
2010 US Census.
The Census Bureau is still looking to hire individuals to go from door to door. The pay is $15 per hour. If interested please call 413 272 1700.
Receptionist for the town hall.
The select board is looking to hire a receptionist for the town hall. Individuals that meet the income requirement and are 55 years of age or older can apply. The position is funded by a grant from the state. Please contact the town clerk if interested.