Crash on icy Leno Road at Town Line between Holland and Sturbridge.
Mangled power lines, a transformer, and the front grill(?) of the truck behind the telephone pole.
Broken telephone pole landed on top of pickup truck.
Emergency personnel from the Power Company disconnecting primary and secondary power to the crash scene.
The three occupants of the pick up truck had no serious injuries and were advised by a police officer of the Sturbridge Police Department to stay in their vehicle for safety reasons.
If the power lines were in contact with the body of the pickup truck, the passengers could have been electrocuted while stepping out of the wrecked truck.
The Power Utility truck arrived around 7:20 p.m. and disconnected the power lines. Around 7:35 p.m. the passengers could finally exit the crashed truck. And the cleanup began.
Different emergency vehicles lined up on the Sturbridge side waiting to move in.