Even so I subscribe to get a copy of the agenda for the selectboard meetings; I did not receive a copy of the document ahead of tonight‘s meeting. Therefore, I can‘t post the document this time, sorry!
Public Hearing with a Representative of National Grid:
Mandy Christen, a representative of National Grid, presented a petition to the selectboard and answered questions in what was announced as a public hearing.
National Grid and Verizon filed a
“PETITION FOR JOINT OR IDENTICAL POLE LOCATIONS” back on March 13, 2009. The petition is seeking permission to “be granted joint of identical location for and permission to erect and maintain poles and wires, together with such sustaining and protecting fixtures as they may find necessary, said poles to be erected substantially in accordance with the plan herewith marked.”
Click here to view the 10 page petition (622 KB).
National Grid will replace all the old and install 22 new poles. The upgrade is necessary to accommodate the increased load on the grid. Heavier wires require higher poles and shorter spans. The pole number will increase by 22 poles; the height will also increase from 40‘ to 45‘. It was not clear at the meeting whether all poles will be replaced or only 22 new poles added. Some property owner‘s had questions whether they will be reimbursed for landscaping they did on the town owned easement. The answer by the selectboard was NO. Verizon and Electric Grid are co-owners of the poles. The project start is not determined yet. The updated are is about 5800‘ south bound on Mashapaugh road beginning at the gas station.
Sergeant Brian C. Haughey acting Chief of HPD, and other news about the HPD:
The selectboard had a meeting with the Holland Police Department about the HPD budget for the coming year.
Raymond Morehouse will after all not be the first in command. The selectboard announced the change tonight. Sergeant Brian C. Haughey will be the acting Chief of Police. The title “Chief” that was explicitly avoided during the meeting between the selectboard and the members of the HPD last Wednesday May 13, 2009, was mentioned twice in connection with Brian Haughey. The motion to appoint Haughey to the position until a search committee would be formed and a new Chief appointed later on this year, termed the position “Acting Chief.” Haughey made it a point to mention that all ranks will remain the same.
Officer Herb Duggan spent some time with the seniors at the senior center informing them about how to prevent becoming a victim of identity theft and internet fraud. Duggen also took on new responsibilities as emergency management officer of the HPD.
Officer Jeff Forcier will be the community resource officer and as such will spend more of his time out in the community to get to know people.
Senior Citizen Center:
Margaret Crock was reappointed as Director of the Senior Citizen Center among with other positions at the senior center. Chairman James Wettlaufer informed the community that the Butterworth Trust Fund has some money left from last year to be spent on heating fuel for the less fortunate. If you feel like you qualify, you can get another $150 paid to your fuel delivery company. Applications for the new season will begin November 1, 2009.
Memorial Day celebrations:
Memorial Day activities will begin at 9:30 across the street by the Monument. The Tantasqua Band will play at 10:00. Refreshments will be available after the celebrations at the senior citizen center. Volunteers are needed at the senior citizen center. Volunteers, please call Margaret Crock at 245 3163.
Karen Raymond and her staged appearance:
63 year old Karen Raymond, living on 8 Amber Road, addressed the selectboard with her complaint about her neighbor,
James LaMountain. LaMountain built a pond on his hillside property to irrigate his crop and to have the required water source to legally burn the brush. Harvesting firewood on the hillside property produces as byproduct, a lot of brush, which the LaMountain‘s burn.
To fill the pond LaMountain used a gas powered pump and a 4 inch hose. Karen Raymond stated that she could hear the pump late at night and that she is concerned about her well running dry. Up to this point, she has not any problems with her well, it is just a “concern.” She complaint before about the burning of brush on the LaMountain property.
She also attended a public hearing last year with the Conservation Commission held in connection with Northeast Concepts Inc. I attended that meeting myself and talked a few words with Mrs. Raymond. She stated that Mike‘s beach opposite the hillside property on Mashaupaug Road would be a mess. When asked what the “mess” was she stated that all kinds of chairs, tables, toys, canoes and barbecue grills would be spread along the beach. I wondered what else one would expect to find on a beach front property utilized as recreational place by its owners. During tonight‘s selectboard meeting, Mrs. Raymond stated that she had been living there for over 20 years and got accustomed to a certain quality of live that is gone now. I do wonder why she did not buy the hillside property four years ago to secure her way of life if she does not like change. Earl Johnson was quick to sympathize with her and recommended she would contact the police and the Department of Environmental Protection.
It was all a well orchestrated PR-stunt for the video cameras. What Earl Johnson suggested had already happened, and he knew it. Just hours before I personally attended a motion hearing before Judge Ford in regards to an emergency injunction at the Superior Court in Springfield. During the motion hearing, two lawyers of the DEP read part of an
affidavit sign by Karen Raymond complaining about the pump. After the selectboard meeting, Earl Johnson followed Mrs Karen and caught up with her in the parking lot. Selectmen Peterson and Wettlaufer followed. A small group formed in the parking lot and the meeting continiued.
James LaMountain organized the “write-in” campaign and purchased the
01521.COM signs you can see around town. The primary objective of LaMountain is to oust Earl Johnson from the board of assessors and prevent him from being re-elected. Earl Johnson‘s tactics to intimidate his political opponents was the subject of a
Federal Lawsuit filed by Stacy Quinones
which the town settled to the tune of $50,000.00.
Meeting was adjourned at 19:51 hours.
Peter Frei