Rambling Through Holland

From: Brent Abrahamson, To: Holland Blog.
Hi Peter,
I'm not sure if you would be interested, but I have placed some of my slide shows on YouTube. If you think your readers would be interested, or if you are, here is the code:

Brent Abrahamson

Posted on 31 Mar 2009, 19:48 - Category: The Town Common
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Holland’s officials still wasting money?

What is a routine act on behalf of residents which do not criticize the Johnson family for their illegal activities is unavailable for residents which dare to. James LaMountain intends to build a farm house on the hill owned by Northeast Concepts, Inc. off of Mashapaug Road. In order to do so, he followed the rules and applied for a driveway permit needed to get the required building permit. Brian Johnson, the Highway Surveyor and an elected town official refused to issue the permit despite James LaMountian’s claim that he submitted all required documents. LaMountain: “It is just another attempt to harass me, or maybe another attempt to provoke me to build a driveway without a permit so they can go after me again.” LaMountain claims that he had no other choice than to file another unnecessary lawsuit the voters of the town of Holland have to foot the bill for. “I feel bad for the taxpayer’s, but they [Earl and Brian Johnson and other town officials] just don’t change, they may never will. By the way, I’m a taxpayer myself..”
Today, James LaMountain filed his latest lawsuit in Superior Court. To read the complaint, click here! The complaint will be served to the defendants’ tomorrow, to read the summons, click here, or on the word “summons” typed in bold italic. (Every word on this blog in bold italic is a link!)
Peter Frei

Posted on 25 Mar 2009, 20:42 - Category: Ongoing And Past Litigation
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“01521” Number One on Google!

The Holland Blog went online for the first time on February 14, 2009. After only five weeks, the Google query 01521 produces the Holland Blog as top ranking result out of a staggering number of 3,240,000 results.
Peter Frei

Posted on 21 Mar 2009, 15:01 - Category: The Town Common
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Opacum Land Trust Annual Meeting

Opacum Land Trust, Inc. is a regional, all volunteer organization formed in 2000 to protect natural and cultural resources in South Central Massachusetts. The Trust will hold its Annual Meeting this coming Thursday, March 26, 2009 6:30 - 8:00 pm at the Holland Senior Center at 40 Brimfield Road, Holland. The organizers, all volunteers, will offer pizza and inform members and friends about what’s going on. If you are interested in becoming more involved or becoming a member or just attending the meeting, call 508-347-9144 or email info@opacumlt.org.
Peter Frei

Posted on 20 Mar 2009, 13:00 - Category: The Town Common
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Broken Light Safety Issue

" From: A Concerned Citizen
To: The Holland Blog

I’ve lived in Holland about 10 years and currently have a child attending Holland Elementary School. For app. 8 years the blinking light driving eastbound on Sturbridge Road near the school has not been working. This is a safety hazard for school children crossing the street nearby. Moreover, the lettering on the sign(s) is almost impossible to read. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen - especially if you, Mr. Blogger, forward my note to the “powers that be” in town and still nothing is done.
I notice that Mr. Selectman Johnson claims to be concerned with safety issues. I find this hard to believe, for it appears that there are other unrelated road issues that are getting attended to, but this sign (a mis-reading of which could cause the serious injury to or death of a child and a lawsuit against the town) should have been fixed years ago.
Mr Blogger, could you see what you can do?

Posted on 20 Mar 2009, 00:04 - Category: The Town Common
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Selectboard Meeting of March 17, 2009

Anthony Wonseski giving presentation on proposed Sturbridge Road project "
Tonight's meeting was interrupted at 19:15 hours as Jack Keough, the building inspector and zoning officer, requested an executive session. The project to improve Sturbridge Road that entered the planning stage a year ago is taking on shape. The selectboard also announced extended Kindergarten hours beginning in 2010, read more»

Posted on 17 Mar 2009, 23:54 - Category: Board Of Selectmen
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Peter Frei filed Notice of Appeal

Brian O. Lees. the clerk of the Superior Court for the Hampden County issued a judgment on February 19, and an amended judgment on February 20, 2009, after judge Velis granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss, see also my previous post, Superior Court Judge Dismisses Johnson LandGate Suit.
Yesterday, I filed plaintiff’s notice of appeal, appealing judge Velis’s decision. I also filed the required plaintiff’s notice pursuant Mass. R.A.P. rule 8. The case will now be scheduled to be heard by a panel of three judges of the Appeals Court of the Commonwealth. To read any documents, just click on the bold text in italic describing the document; this is consistent throughout this blog, any bold text in italic is a link! To read all the posts about the Johnson LandGate, click on the link Johnson LandGate which can be found under the heading Categories on the left in the Menu section.
Peter Frei

Posted on 11 Mar 2009, 13:04 - Category: Johnson LandGate
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Post about William Medina Arrest top story

At this time, the story about the assault by William Medina was viewed 435 times, whereof 250 views were unique views. The total time this story was viewed is 15 hours, 26 minutes, and 44 seconds. This is an average of 2 minutes and 8 seconds per view.
Peter Frei

Posted on 11 Mar 2009, 1:33 - Category: The Town Common
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Holland Market burglarized twice

These are desperate times, the increase of burglaries does not only affect residences, Dave‘s store got burglirized twice within three days, read more»

Posted on 8 Mar 2009, 17:35 - Category: The Town Common
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Keough condemned Brimfield Town Hall

Brimfield town officials had called for an emergency meeting to be held this morning at 10:00 to find solutions to keep the town running outside the walls of the Town Hall as its roof is in danger of collapsing. Read more»

Posted on 7 Mar 2009, 15:41 - Category: The Town Common
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Five separate Schoolhouses in Holland ?

More then 100 years ago, Holland had no less than five separate schoolhouses. Public transportation was also available; no dependence on oil jeopardized our freedom and economy either. Travelers were able to board Electric Passenger cars in Brimfield after a short ride on the stage coach line to get there. Holland was a quaint little village and water troughs where spread throughout the village to water horses and other livestock, read more»

Posted on 6 Mar 2009, 12:08 - Category: Local History
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