I received anonymous mail In connection with the brush dump debacle which I'm publishing here for the readers of the Holland Blog. Read more»Comments - Edit - Delete
Analysis of Wettlaufer’s August 17th Stunt.
Wettlaufer gave one of his “performances” during the last meeting of the Board of Selectmen. His elaborate scheme to attack his opponent Raymond Korny is disingenuous at best. Wettlaufer did what he does best, misinform the community in an attempt to further his own agenda, read more»Comments - Edit - Delete
Raymond Korny resigned from the Board of Health.
As of 10 am today August 18, 2010, Ray Korny is no longer a member of the Holland Board of Health.Ray Korny resigned because the Board of Selectmen refused to issue an exemption which would allow Ray Korny to run the brush dump while serving on the Board of Health. Such exemptions were issued in the past on a regular basis but James Wettlaufer as chairman of the Board of Selectmen refused to issue such an exemption in Ray Korny’s case.
According to Ray, Chairman James Wettlaufer, in a very unprofessional manner, called Korny a liar and an idiot during a phone conversation.
Ray Korny was seeking to be elected for the position of selectman during this years election and will run against James Wettlaufer who’s term will come up next year.
Peter Frei
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Another costly stunt by our re-elected Highway Surveyor Brian Johnson.

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) fined the Highway Department $12,000.00 for a Wetland Protection Act violation, read more»
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New Open Meeting Law Takes Effect July First.
- New requirements for certifications and other documentation to keep on file. (These requirements will likely pertain to the Town Clerk’s Office.)
- 48 hour notice – still required, but now cannot count Saturdays, Sundays or holidays. (Example: Monday night meeting must be posted before Thursday night.)
- Notices must (1) include a list of topics the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed (i.e., agenda), and (2) be posted in or on a municipal building to be visible to public at all hours. (Having meetings posted on the Town Website does NOT bring officials into compliance. Town Officials must have a posting board attached to the OUTSIDE of Town Hall!)
- Emails are expressly included in definition of “deliberation” (must be in open session), but discussion of agendas, scheduling information or reports to be discussed at next meeting is permitted.
- Attendance by a quorum at a location will not constitute a “meeting” if it is not the intention of the board/commission to conduct business and no deliberations occur. (For example, attending a conference, social event or a meeting of another municipal board is acceptable, as long as no discussions ensue regarding board/committee issues.)
- Minutes must contain more detailed information in addition to “date, place, time and matters discussed,” they shall include summaries of matters discussed, and a list of documents used, all decisions made/votes taken.
- “Minutes” shall also include “documents and other exhibits, such as photographs, recordings or maps used by the body at an open or executive session and along with the minutes, be part of the official record of the session.”
- Remote participation (conference call, audio or video conferencing) will likely be allowed by regulation or letter ruling of the Attorney General. (However, a quorum of the body will have to be present and the meeting cannot be chaired via audio or video conferencing).
- All persons serving on a public body must receive a copy of the Open Meeting Law and related regulations and must submit receipt of same to the Town Clerk within two weeks of appointment.
- Citizens making complaints of Open Meeting Law violations must file written complaints with the governmental body first. The governmental body then submits a reply to the complainant and the Attorney General’s Office.
Read also:
Open and accountable Government.Record Keeping at the Planning Board.
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Kennedy, Johnson, and Talbot won!
The majority of Holland voters voted for corruption;Michael P. Kennedy 282; Ray Korny 231,
Brian Johnson 359; George Carling 175,
Nancy Talbot 278; Lynn Arnold 235.
I think nobody can help Holland,
Peter Frei
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Please don’t forget to vote today, it is important!

A re-election of Brian Johnson would allow the roadways of Holland to fall further into disrepair.
Brian Johnson’s lack of knowledge how to proper maintain roads will eventually have a devastating effect to the transportation infrastructure of the town.
An interview published in the Southbridge Evening News brought to light that Brian Johnson has nothing to show for other than good intentions for the future.
Do you remember smelling hot tar around town during the summer months more than ten years ago? What happened? Why do we not smell that anymore?
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Meet the two candidates for the seat on the Board of Selectmen.

In case you missed the debate between the two candidates, Michael P. Kennedy and Rayomnd Korny, the Holland Blog was there and offers its readers the video of the most interesting debate; the first one ever in our town’s history as far as I know.
Kennedy surprised with his answer to the question whether he favors or opposes the proposed truck stop,
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Annual Town Meeting of 2010.
Earl Johnson attended the last annual town meeting as selectboard member; James Wettlaufer is not credible any longer; and Christian Petersen joined his two colleagues in their quest to promote a project that would have violated not less than 16 provisions under the bylaws or other rules and regulations.However, the voters of Holland used sound judgment and dared not to follow the advice of their “leaders,” and do it right. The disabled and seniors deserve it, read more»
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Don't miss the ANNUAL TOWN MEETING tonight, Tuesday May 25, at 7:00 p.m. sharp!

Article #3, #4, and #5 seek authorization by the voters to authorize the Board of Selectmen to grant easments and to enter into a lease agreement to lease the 2 acre town owned property to HAP, Inc. in order to acommodate the proposed low income housing project for seniors.
The voters have a last chance to force HAP and the town government to find a better solution for the project.
If the voters vote YES on article #5, the project will be built, if the voters vote NO, the project can not be built at the proposed site.
YES Votes on article #3 and #4 will just make it easier to realize the project but are not necessary for the project to go forward.
There has been strong opposition by several residents towards the project's realization on the proposed side as the 2 acre parcel does not allow the construction of the Project,
To read more about article #3, #4, and #5 click here!»
Peter Frei
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Wales not to be bullied by James Wettlaufer.
Wales residents sent a clear message to the “leaders” of Holland; the rejection of the proposed regionalization of Wales’ and Holland’s Elementary Schools came as no surprise for many. Read more»Comments - Edit - Delete