From: Town of Holland Planning Board
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 10:22 AM
To: Holland Town Admininstrator
Subject: In answering your request for information about Municipal Vulnerablity Prepardness Programm


please find attached the letter I propose to be included in the application for a Planning Grant. The letter has not been approved by the members of the Planning Board; we can do that during our next meeting on May 26.

Also, per your request, please find attached copies of meeting minutes of the meeting of November 16, 2020, and January 26, 2021.


click here, to read the letter I propose to be included in the application for a Planning Grant;
click here, to read the minutes of the Planning Board meeting of November 16, 2020;
click here, to read the minutes of the Planning Board meeting of January 26, 2021.